Press Releases Archive

Millers’ strike unwarranted: Lok Satta

The Lok Satta Party today termed the rice millers’ decision to go on a strike and not buy paddy was unwarranted when farmers are reeling under the impact of unusual and heavy rains in December.

Lok Satta Party President D. V. V. S. Varma and Secretary P. Bhaskara Rao said in a media statement that failure to repair drains resulted in rainwater stagnating in fields and damaging the standing or just-harvested paddy crop.

They wanted the Government to announce a special package of assistance to farmers and tenants who suffered 50 percent crop losses. It should arrange for purchase of discolored paddy at the minimum support price, swift enumeration of losses, an input subsidy of Rs.4000 an acre, and interest-free crop loans.

The Lok Satta leaders hoped the Assembly would give top priority to farmers’ woes and come up with long-term solutions.

Thursday, December 9, 2010 - 17:37

Anti Corruption force to be formed

A seminar on corruption conducted by the Legal Cell of the Lok Satta Party today, World Corruption Day, called upon people to cease to be silent spectators but fight against corruption by utilizing the Right to Information Act and not succumbing to inducements during elections.

The seminar called for constitution of independent anti corruption commissions at both the national and State levels, and amendment of the Prevention of Corruption Act in the State as proposed by the Lok Satta Party. Decentralization of power and transparency in administration would go a long way in preventing corruption, the seminar felt.

The participants, who included representatives of political parties and civic society organizations, decided to constitute an anti corruption force and expressed solidarity with Advocate Ranga Rao in his battle against corruption in the Emaar deal.

The participants included Messrs Tripurana Venkataratnam (Congress), C. Vinod Kumar and Pranay (TDP), Keerti and Shaheeda Begum (PRP), Kamalesh (BJP), Muralidhar Deshpande (Forward Bloc), Nagaraja Rao (Pragna Bharati), Aruna (Vikas Dhatri), P. Bhaskara Rao, N. Sarojadevi, M. Ramalinga Reddy, P. V. Rao, C. Vinod Yadav, M. Durga Kumar, Vijaya Kiran, Gajanani, Manik Prabhu, and Mangala (Lok Satta and its allied organizations) and Advocate Ranga Rao.

Initiating the debate, Legal Cell Convener C. V. L. Narasimha Rao said that failure to discharge one’s duty as a Government employee too was a corrupt practice. Corruption did not mean mere acceptance of a bribe. Mrs. T. Venkataratnam said that corruption had become vicious as politicians who spent crores of rupees in elections enriched themselves many times more once elected. Ms. Keerti and Shaheeda Begum expressed their shock over the 2-G spectrum scam, while Mr. Deshpande said parties should fight against corruption jointly. Mr. Bhaskara Rao said that people had become helpless as politicians, officials and judges had all become corrupt one after another over the years. He underlined the need for institutional mechanisms and people’s participation to mitigate corruption. Advocate Ranga Rao disclosed that he had obtained 650 documents under the Right to Information Act before launching his battle against the Emaar scandal. Ms. Aruna suggested implementation of citizen charters as a means of curbing corruption while Mrs. N. Sarojadevi recalled Lok Satta’s campaign against the 2-G spectrum.

Thursday, December 9, 2010 - 17:20

Act against the corrupt, Dr. JP tells CM

Alleging there are many, many Nira Yadavas among civil servants in Andhra Pradesh, Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today demanded that the Andhra Pradesh Government amend the Prevention of Corruption Act to facilitate swift, sure rigorous punishment of the culprits including forfeiture of illegally acquired property.

(Mrs. Nira Yadav was a former Uttar Pradesh Chief Secretary, whom a CBI Court has sentenced to four years in jail and a fine).

(The Andhra Pradesh Legislature is to hold its winter session from December 10).

Addressing a media conference, Dr. JP said that the corrupt posed a greater threat to the country than terrorists. The nation had displayed remarkable maturity and wisdom in not succumbing to the terrorists’ designs to trigger communal clashes by detonating a bomb during ‘aarati’ at a Varanasi ghat last night.

Dr. JP described the CBI raids on the residences of former Telecom Minister A. Raja and his colleagues as dogs barking six months after thieves have bolted. Praising Mr. Gopalakrishnan, a cub reporter of Pioneer, for having unearthed the telecom scam, Dr. JP charged the mainstream political parties with indulging in shadow-boxing, instead of finding ways and means of recouping the loss the nation has sustained and preventing such scams in future.

The Lok Satta in association with some eminent people of unimpeachable integrity is filing a in the Supreme Court seeking cancellation of the tainted 2-G spectrum licenses and their fresh allocation on international competitive bidding.

The Lok Satta Party, he recalled, had submitted a draft Bill to amend the Prevention of Corruption Act to both the then Speaker and now Chief Minister N. Kiran Kumar Reddy and Opposition leader N. Chandrababu Naidu. He hoped they would act now at least to mitigate ubiquitous corruption in the State.

Dr. JP wanted the Andhra Pradesh Government to review all its schemes so that scarce financial resources could be better utilized. He instanced how the Government was going ahead with the Rs.3600-core, unviable, unreliable and time-consuming Yellampalli drinking water scheme to quench the thirst of Hyderabad, abandoning the Krishna water scheme that could be completed in a year at a cost of Rs.700 crore. He questioned the viability and desirability of the Pranahita-Chevella and the Dummugudem schemes. The transfer of the Godavari water into the Krishna basin with the construction of the Polavaram project is desirable to serve the needs of Telangana and Rayalaseema districts. However, we should have an open mind about how it can be executed at least cost and with maximum advantage, and integrated and rational utilization of the State’s water resources. It has also to ensure quality power to farmers through decentralized distribution. The Lok Satta has demonstrated through a pilot project that transmission and distribution losses can be cut and quality power supply ensured through decentralized distribution.

Dr. JP expressed his deep sympathies to farmers and tenants who have suffered huge losses because of unusual and heavy rains in December. Asking them not to succumb to despair, he appealed to the Government to go to their rescue by granting an input subsidy of Rs.4000 an acre and interest-free loans for raising the second crop and arranging for procurement of rain-damaged paddy by relaxing norms up to 25 percent.

Lok Satta Party Working President D.V.V.S. Varma, General Secretary V. Laxman Balaji, Secretary P. Bhaskar Rao share the dais with Dr. JP

Wednesday, December 8, 2010 - 20:36
