Press Releases Archive

People for Lok Satta campaign against 2 G spectrum scam

People for Lok Satta (PFL), an NRI (non-resident Indian) organization, has launched a ‘Kill Corruption’ campaign in the wake of the 2 G spectrum scandal.

This was disclosed at a media conference here today by PFL leaders Ms. Padma Bhupatiraju, Ms. Manasa Mahati and Mr. Sharat Mangalpally and India PFL Coordinator. Atluri Subhashini. The PFL activists said that although they lived in the US they have not forgotten their roots in India and that they plan to adopt villages in the State and work for their development.

Introducing the visiting PFL activists, Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan said that PFL comprised members belonging to all castes and religions, languages and religions. Young and idealistic, the members have chosen the Lok Satta Party as the platform to transform politics in India.

PFL, registered in February 2009, has chapters in nine countries – the U. S., the U. K., Australia, Canada, Japan, Germany, New Zealand, Sweden, and Switzerland.

PFL has over 30 chapters in the U. S. in places like Bay Area (California), Los Angeles, New Jersey, Boston, Houston, Dallas, Chicago, Washington DC, and Seattle.

As part of the ‘Kill Corruption’ campaign, PFL members have asked Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh to cancel the tainted 2G spectrum licenses and recoup the lost revenue, bring the corrupt to justice, and appoint an autonomous body to prevent such scams in future.

PFL has also launched a campaign asking the Government of India to facilitate absentee voting for NRIs since the current Bill mandates their physical presence during elections. The NRI organization has sent representations to all MPs on the issue.

PFL representatives attending the 'Pravasi Bharathi Divas' soon will be reiterating their viewpoint.

PFL canvassed in favor of the Lok Satta Party during general elections and elections to the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation.

It launched a 'Rejuvenate India' campaign by organizing interactions between Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan and NRIs in the U. S. in May-June-2010. PFL could reach Dr. JP’s message to as many as 10,000 NRIs during the month-long campaign with the twin themes good governance and clean politics.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011 - 18:01

India’s future will be bright in 2011 if it learns its lessons from 2010: Dr. JP

Year 2010 witnessed not merely a series of scandals but also India’s economic resilience and the vitality of our constitutional organs, said Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan here today.

Greeting people on eve of the New Year, Dr. JP said in a media statement that India could look forward to a bright future in the next decade if it learns the right lessons from past fiascos and takes remedial action.

Notwithstanding the 2 G spectrum scandal, the commonwealth Games fiasco, and serious allegations of corruption against the highest judiciary, the Indian economy withstood the global recession and registered remarkable growth, thanks to the dynamism of its people. In contrast, the Government squandered away priceless opportunities to undertake systemic reforms and catapult the nation into a higher growth trajectory. Against such a gloomy background, the judiciary in the Ayodhya case and the Comptroller and Auditor General in the 2 G scandal shone as beacons of light.

The first task before the nation in the year 2011 should be preserving, promoting, and strengthening the independence of all constitutional mechanisms. Constitution of a national judicial commission would go a long way in ensuring integrity among higher judiciary.

The Government should view the scandals that rocked the nation as an opportunity to unveil a policy under which all scarce natural resources are allocated on competitive bidding, without any scope for nepotism and corruption. The Government should constitute a powerful, independent anti corruption commission.

The Government should acknowledge the systemic crisis in agriculture and unshackle it from the license-permit raj to ensure better incomes for farmers.

It should impart skills to at least 10 million youth a year and enable them to find livelihood opportunities, and empower local governments.

Dr. JP said that all these goals are within our reach since we have the resources and technologies. The Government should have the will and determination to accomplish them.

Friday, December 31, 2010 - 18:43
