Press Releases Archive

Lok Satta condemns threats against KCR

The Lok Satta Party today condemned Mr. Toorpu Jayaprakash Reddy (Jagga Reddy), Sangareddy MLA, for threatening to prevent TRS President K. Chandrasekhara Rao from entering his constituency, and welcomed his arrest. Holding out threats and fomenting hatred and violence did not befit a member of the Legislative Assembly who had taken a oath to abide by the Constitution.

In a media statement, party leaders Katari Srinivasa Rao and Bandaru Ramamohan Rao pointed out that successive Governments had been resorting to programs like ‘rachchabanda’ to pose as great benefactors, instead of empowering people through strengthening elected local governments. Yet, the party would like people to utilize the program to pin down officials and elected representatives on their problems and register their protest. The Government should not show any leniency towards those who try to disrupt them.

Even as people are entitled to agitate for a legitimate cause in a peaceful and constitutional way, they should not incite others to hatred or violence, or deploy indecent language against their rivals, the Lok Satta leaders added.

Monday, January 24, 2011 - 19:34

Lok Satta opposes reservations Beyond 50 percent

The Lok Satta Party has reiterated its stand that caste-based reservations for admission to educational institutions and jobs in the Government should under no circumstances be raised beyond 50 percent as stipulated by the Supreme Court.

The party’s Working Committee, which concluded its two-day session yesterday, wanted the Government to deny reservations to the creamy layer and those who have already become prosperous and enjoyed high positions because of reservations.

Briefing media on the party’s deliberations, Working President D. V. V. S. Varma, and leaders Bhisetty Babji, P. Bhaskara Rao and Eda Chennayya said that 10 percent grace marks be awarded in competitive examinations to rural children and poor urban children without reference to their caste or religion. Such an arrangement would render justice to disadvantaged children.

The party demanded that the Government ensure quality education including English and computers to all children up to the 12th standard. TheGovernment should also ensure that no eligible and desirous student is denied the opportunity to pursue higher education because of poverty.

The leaders pointed out that in the changed political situation an attempt is under way to raise caste-based reservations to serve the short-term political interests of certain sections.

The party recalled that the Supreme Court had not merely capped the reservations for weaker sections at 50 percent but also declared the ceiling formed part of the basic structure of the Constitution. The Supreme Court faulted the Tamil Nadu and Karnataka Governments which exceeded the cap by adopting laws and getting them incorporated in the Ninth Schedule of the Constitution and said it would review the Ninth Schedule itself if other States followed suit.

A lasting solution to the growing demands for caste-based reservations lies not in succumbing to them but to provide growth opportunities to all irrespective of the accident of their birth in a particular caste or religion.

The Lok Satta Party demanded that the Government scrap the Tenancy Act and adopt a new law which will enable tenants to access bank loans, input subsidies and crop insurance without hurting landowners’ interests. It appealed to the Government to convene an all-party meeting to discuss the Krishna Water Dispute Tribunal verdict.

It asked people to pin down elected people’s representatives during ‘rachchabanda’ on provision of relief to rain-hit farmers and tenants, removal of all restrictions on movement of agricultural produce and remunerative prices.

The party decided to implement an action plan on the problems of farmers in rural areas and delivery of civic services in urban areas from February 1. It will be undertaking a membership enrolment drive and holding organizational elections at the village and ward levels in phases.

Saturday, January 22, 2011 - 19:33

Judicial reforms need of the hour: Dr. JP

Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan said today that protecting the independence, credibility, and moral authority of the Indian judiciary is of paramount importance in protecting the unity and integrity of India.

Taking part in a National Convention here on Judicial Reforms, Dr. JP recalled that the Supreme Court has emerged as the last bastion in preserving India’s unity. It is playing a historic role by addressing explosive issues like the Ayodhya-Babri Masjid dispute, tensions over caste reservations and inter-State and intra-State disputes on issues ranging from regional discrimination to water sharing and capricious allocation of scarce resources like 2 G spectrum.

Dr. JP pointed out that democracy cannot work unless we have an independent and effective judiciary. In this connection, he quoted what American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr had to say on democracy, "Man's capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but man's inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary."

Dr. JP suggested that the Government of India undertake four judicial reforms without further loss of time. They are:

Constitution of a high-power National Judicial Commission with the Vice President of India in the chair. The commission will be responsible for appointment of men and women of competence and unimpeachable integrity to higher judiciary and removal of errant judges.

Constitution of an Indian Judicial service on the lines of the Indian Administrative Service. As of now, bright and competent lawyers are shunning the Bench. The Government can attract talent if there is a prestigious Indian Judicial Service. Parliament has to enact a law facilitating the formation of the service since the Constitution provides for it.

Constitution of at least 5000 rural courts as envisaged by the Gram Nayayalaya Act and an increase in the number of judges. Millions of poor people are shunning courts, as they are expensive and inaccessible. Instead, they are taking recourse to criminals and gangsters who dispense rough and ready justice for a price. The failure of the judicial system has created a huge market demand for criminals. Criminals, with political connections, are minting money by taking up land settlements etc.

Reforming procedural laws. The present laws like the Criminal Procedure Code and Indian Penal Code, which are lawyer friendly, must be made citizen friendly.

Dr. JP, who has played a leading role in advocating all the reforms, said he is happy that a broad consensus has emerged over the need for and urgency of reforms. The Government should institutionalize the reforms as early as possible, he said.

Saturday, January 22, 2011 - 19:29
