Press Releases Archive

It is an assault on democracy: Dr. JP

“I do not view it as a personal attack on me; it is an assault on democracy itself,” said Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan here today,

Addressing media a few hours he was subjected to a physical attack on the legislature premises, Dr. JP expressed his gratitude to the Deputy Speaker of the Assembly, the Chairman of the Legislative Council, the Chief Minister and the Leader of the Opposition and thousands of others who had conveyed him their sympathies. He wished speedy recovery of Mr. Paladugu Venakata Rao who came to his rescue unmindful of his age and health.

Pointing out that a number of people were seething with anger while some others were sad over the incidents, he appealed to people not to react violently either in word or deed. In this context, he recalled Mahatma Gandhi’s saying that “an eye for an eye will leave the entire world blind.” Dr. JP added he did not lodge a complaint against anybody for the attack. He believed that the Chair is competent enough to take all steps to preserve democracy and ensure smooth conduct of the House.

Speaking without any anger or rancor, Dr. JP said he always maintained the party is more important than an individual, and the country is more important than a party. Some people seem to be wishing to silence the voice of those who enjoy credibility because they always speak facts. “Facts do not go away whether there is JP or no JP. Dharma and justice will always triumph”

Dr. JP appealed to people to sit up and take notice of the decline in democratic values. Democracy calls for reasoned debate and harmonization of different viewpoints in a peaceful manner through constitutional means. Democracy does not mean mere conduct of elections. Democracy has been under attack in some part of the country or the other every day.

A remedy to the ills of democracy lies in more democracy and not in running away from it. Tearing away of Constitution copies and boycotting of elections will not provide a solution.

Dr. JP said he did not advocate suspension of the Assembly and the imposition of President’s rule, as put out by certain media sections. All that he said was that if the situation was allowed to drift and lead to Preisdent’s rule, it did not augur well for democracy.

Dr. JP said he was fully committed to protecting the rights of Telangana people. It was the Lok Satta which spearheaded the move for the deletion of Section 14 from the Presidential Order on recruitment of police personnel in Hyderabad. It was the Lok Satta which opposed the diversion of the Godavari water for meeting the drinking water needs of Hyderabad as it would harm the interests of people in Telangana. It was again the Lok Satta which strongly aruged for utilization of the Nagarjunasagar waters for the benefit of Telangana and Rayalaseema.

The Lok Satta Party, he recalled, always maintained that if people accomplished their dream of a separate Telangana State peacefully, it would not be a catastrophe. At the same time, the party believed that a separate State would not serve its purpose unless the people of the region have access to education, health and employment opportunities and local governments are fully empowered.

He said he still regarded TRS members as friends and harbored no ill-will against them.

Lok Satta Party President D. V. V. S. Varma appealed to all political parties and democratic forces to observe February 18 as ‘Democracy Protection Day’ to condemn the physical attack on party President Dr. JP in the Assembly precincts.

He condemned the TRS activists’ attack on Medka Lok Satta Party President Tummalapalli Srinivas, who was peacefully protesting against the attack on Dr. JP.

Addressing media earlier, party leaders Varma, V. Laxman Balaji, G. Raja Reddy, V. Vijayender Reddy, P. Ravi Maruth said the attack on Dr. JP was an attack on democracy and the Constitution. It had tarnished the image of the legislature. Legislatures should be forums only for those who believe in democracy and not for goondas and rowdies.

They demanded that the Government wake up from its stupor and take stern action those who instigate and indulged in the attack on Dr. JP.

Thursday, February 17, 2011 - 18:38

Dr.JP warns against schisms on fighting Krishna water verdict

Andhra Pradesh will not get its legitimate share in the Krishna waters unless people belonging to all regions, castes and parties transcend their differences and mount a united fight, warned Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan here today.

Talking to media a day after attending an all-party conference organized by the Chief Minister on the verdict of the Krishna Waters Dispute Tribunal, Dr. JP said that if we cannot put up our case in one voice to the Union Government, the Krishna tribunal, and the Supreme Court, and continue to sling mud at each other the State stands to lose.

Dr. JP called for adoption of an integrated water utilization policy that renders justice to all regions of the State, considering the futurologists' dire prediction that future wars would be fought over waters in the context of a demand supply mismatch.

Dr. JP analyzed that Andhra Pradesh stood to lose because the tribunal took 65 percent dependability for assessing water availability in the river and also distributed the entire surplus water among the riparian States. Breast-beating or street fighting are not a substitute for making a convincing and rational case before the tribunal, the Union Government and the Supreme Court.

Now that all the surplus waters in the Krishna have been allocated among the States, Dr. JP said, Andhra Pradesh should insist on the Government of India constituting an independent, powerful river control authority to ensure that the lower riparian State of Andhra Pradesh does not suffer. Such an authority was created in the U. S. when the Colorado waters were distributed among seven States. The authority should be empowered to decide and monitor release of water from each project on a daily basis. If the upper riparian States utilize more water than that allocated to them, they should be penalized in kind. If the upper riparian State, for instance, draws 10 tmc ft of water in excess, it should be made to part with an equivalent quantity of water by way of fine.

As part of the long-term, integrated water utilization policy, Dr. JP said, the Krishna waters should not be released for irrigation downstream of the Nagarjunasagar except in years of extreme floods or drought. The Nagarjunasagar water should be utilized to irrigate dry lands in Telangana and Rayalaseema regions. Small projects can be constructed to tap the flows into the Krishna downstream of the Nagarjuanasagar. The Godavari waters should be diverted into the Krishna basin by gravity to meet the irrigation requirements in the Krishna delta.

Dr. JP demanded that the Government honor its commitments on fee reimbursement to poor students pursuing higher education. He recalled that it was the Lok Satta Party which had incorporated irrevocable guarantees on education and social security in its 50-point election manifesto. According to the Lok Satta Party, no student irrespective of his caste or religion should be denied an opportunity to pursue higher education provided he or she is desirous and deserving. It also advocated institution of a program to help the poor stand on their own feet through financial assistance and earn pension through a contributory scheme. That was why the Lok Satta welcomed the fee reimbursement and abhaya hastam schemes ushered in by late Chief Minister Dr. Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy. The Government which rode to power on such promises should not go back on them now, Dr. JP said.

Dr. JP said that provision of educational opportunities was essential but not enough. There are today tens of thousands of educated unemployed in the State. They should be imparted job-oriented skills and provided livelihood opportunities. Imparting skills to a million people for periods ranging from three months to a year would not cost more than Rs.2500 crore a year. The Government would earn Rs.3000 crore to Rs. 4000 crore by way of revenue once the trained youth boost manufacturing by Rs.25000 crore after landing jobs.

Dr. JP welcomed BJP's constitution of a committee to study electoral reforms including the role of money and mafia in elections. He said that what we need is a constructive and creative response to fight corruption, black money and administrative paralysis. He reminded the people that in the wake of Tehelka expose, on the urging of Lok Satta the then NDA government and opposition Congress came together to unanimously enact the political funding reforms in 2003.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011 - 17:05
