Press Releases Archive

Render justice to farmers, Law makers told

The Andhra Pradesh Federation of Independent Farmers’ Organizations has appealed to all members of Parliament from the State and members of the State legislature to exert pressure on the Union and State Governments and render justice to the paddy grower.

In letters addressed to the law makers, Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan, President, and Mr. P. Bhaskara Rao, Convener, of the federation drew attention to the rural background of most of them and said that they are duty bound to go to the rescue of the farmer. The farmer in Andhra Pradesh is not getting even the minimum support price for paddy fixed two years ago.

Giving facts and figures on the demand for and supply of food grains at the national and State levels, the federation pointed out that a solution to the problem lies in exporting surplus food grains outside the country. State undertakings like the STC can undertake exports and share profits with farmers. The MPs should lead a delegation under the Chief Minister’s leadership to Delhi and exert pressure on the Prime Minister and other Central leaders to permit rice exports.

In their letter to members of the State legislature, the federation leaders said that farmes received less than Rs.250 per quintal of paddy against the minimum support price of Rs.1030. Although the Government claims it has opened a number of purchase centers, the purchases are only meager.

The legislators should strive to get committees of farmers constituted to supervise paddy purchases at the MSP in market yards and ensure that the purchase centers have the infrastructure and funds to carry out purchases. The Government which appointed senior officials to monitor purchase operations should publicize purchases on a daily basis.

According to the federation, Andhra Pradesh will have a surplus of nearly 60-70 lakh tons of rice, after accounting for needs of the public distribution system for the entire year, at the end of the current rabi season.

Thursday, May 12, 2011 - 17:05

Welcome, but not enough: Farmers’ body on IAS monitoring of paddy procurement

The Federation of Independent Farmers’ Organizations today expressed its happiness over Chief Minister N. Kiran Kuma Reddy conceding its plea for deputing senior IAS officials to monitor paddy procurement in districts.

A delegation of the federation, led by Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan, called on the Chief Minister on May 10 and requested him to ensure rabi paddy procurement at the minimum support price (MSP). The delegation told the Chief Minister that farmers were denied the MSP all over the State.

In a media statement, federation convener P. Bhaskara Rao hoped the Government would make available sufficient funds and gunny bags to purchase centers and facilitate procurement. He wanted the Government to constitute farmers’ committees to monitor purchases and publicize details of procurement operations daily.

The federation had warned of direct action after May 22 if the Government failed to ensure paddy purchases at the MSP.

Mr. Bhaskara Rao reiterated the federation request to the Chief Minister to lead a delegation of MPs from the State for persuading the Union Government to permit export of surplus rice. State undertakings can export rice and share the profits with farmers by way of bonus, he said.

Mr. Bhaskara Rao said that Dr. JP would be taking part in farmers’ conferences in East and West Godavari districts on May 12 and 13 with a view to uniting them to fight for their cause. He will be taking part in farmers’ conferences at Mummidivaram, Ambajipet, Kothapet and Mandapet in East Godavari, and at Undrajavaram, Duvva, Pothunuru and Pedapadu in West Godavari.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011 - 17:06
