Press Releases Archive

Lok Satta to contest municipal elections in Tamil Nadu

The Lok Satta Party will be fielding candidates in Tamil Nadu municipal elections scheduled for October 17 and 19, party spokesman Katari Srinivasa Rao announced here today.

Its candidates will contest for the positions of corporators as also Mayors for which direct elections are taking place. It has set its eyes on contesting from cities like Chennai, Coimbatore and Erode.

The party is fielding Mr. S. Suresh Kumar as its candidate in the October 13by-election to the Assembly from Tiruchi West constituency.

Mr. Juvvigunta Venkateswarlu, party in-charge inTamil Nadu and Mr. Narra Sridhar, Working Committee member of the Andhra Pradesh unit, are screening prospective candidates.

Mr. Srinivasa Rao recalled that the Lok Satta Party polled thousands of votes although it contested only 36 seats in the Tamil Nadu Assembly elections in April 2011.

The party will contest on the plank of providing good governance and ushering in new political culture.

Monday, September 26, 2011 - 16:16

Dr. JP sees bid to divide civil society on campaign against corruption

Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today termed the remarks attributed to him, during deposition before the Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Lokpal Bill, as a tissue of lies. The baseless and unfounded reports in a section of the media are nothing but a concerted attempt to sow seeds of division among civil society activists, Dr. JP said.

(The reports said that Dr. JP in his deposition to the committee on September 23 and 24 feared that the Lokpal as envisaged by the Anna Hazare team would result in the creation of an extra constitutional authority).

Dr. JP said in a media statement today that during his interaction with the committee that lasted two hours and forty-five minutes, there was no occasion for him to either refer to the Jan Lokpal Bill or criticize it. The discussion centered round incorporating strong provisions in the Bill before Parliament for combating corruption.

Dr. JP recalled that the Lok Satta for the last 15 years has been advocating creation of a strong and independent anti corruption commission, strong, independent, and accountable crime investigation, independent prosecution, swift and sure punishment, including confiscation of properties, of those guilty of corruption.

The Administrative Reforms Commission of which he was a member had emphatically recommended creation of a Lokpal/Rashtriya Lokayukta at the national level, Lokayuktas in States, and ombudsmen in districts and local governments. It had suggested expansion of the definition of corruption, independent crime investigation, independent prosecution, and removal from service of public servants found guilty of corruption by the Lokpal/Lokayukta.

Dr. JP said that he on behalf of the Lok Satta and the Foundation for Democratic Reforms advanced the same points as the ARC.

He told the Standing Committee that the CBI and ACBs needed to be strengthened going by the fact that the only about 800 people are convicted in a year in corruption cases instituted by the CBI and ACBs, the lowest rate in the world. The total number of trial cases pending in the entire country is only 16,000.

Dr. JP argued that once an official is found guilty of either omission or commission in a corruption case by the Lokapl/Lokayukta, he or she should be removed from service forthwith without further inquiry under Article 311 of the Constitution.

To clear all doubts and dispel all misconceptions, Dr. JP said, he has decided to place his written representation to the Standing Committee in public domain. (See

Sunday, September 25, 2011 - 12:45

Recall Has Basic Flaws In Practice

The Right to Recall can create dangerous instability at the national level, and foreclose democratic options to resolve crises

By Jayaprakash Narayan

ANNA Hazare’s refrain that the Right to Recall should be invoked against dishonest and incompetent legislators presents an interesting case. In principle, recalling an elected representative presents no inherent problems. But implementation is a different story. It is just one of a number of genuine electoral reforms this country needs. For instance, entry into politics should also be made easy. Election campaigns do not engage the voters, they are merely a vote-buying practice.

Political parties too have become private estates. Candidate choices are all private affairs, unrelated to the people. All this needs to be addressed, so that the best can enter politics and change the tenor of public policy-making and bring some integrity to public life. Instead, today, we are barking up the wrong tree.

Also, while recall works perfectly fine for local governance, evidence shows that it’s rather complicated. In Madhya Pradesh, the only state where this has been implemented, there were about 30 cases of recall and almost 50 percent of those recalled were re-elected. This shows an essential flaw in the practice. We have an electoral system where people can unite to defeat somebody based on reasons of religion, caste and other such divisive factors.

A fitting example would be the US, where Arnold Schwarzenegger replaced Gray Davis as governor of California. Davis was recalled. He required 50 percent of all the votes to continue in office; Schwarzenegger on the other hand, needed only the plurality of those voting — about 40 percent — to be elected. This is an absurd situation. Therefore, to project recall as an answer to electoral reforms is to oversimplify the problem.

Unrealistic expectations colour elections in India. People expect legislators to deliver as an executive. But a legislator is not elected as executive. He is elected to articulate people’s aspirations, to make laws and policies and to hold the government accountable. The power to deliver is given to local government. By shifting that responsibility to the legislator, governance becomes volatile. Legislators from the opposition party in particular, will be vulnerable as the ruling party will not give them sufficient opportunities to perform their duties.

Recall is an easy way out; the difficulty lies in bringing about electoral reforms

People don’t distinguish between local, state and national governments. Any talk of performance or nonperformance is typically done keeping the state government’s performance in mind. Who do you hold responsible for poor governance in such a situation?

There are other difficulties. People always look at shortterm populism, which is inherently at loggerheads with long-term public good. An increase in petroleum prices because of a corresponding rise in global prices, would lead to building dissent against the government. But given a decent amount of time, the government might be able to balance this out by pursuing long-term policies that yield results. Not allowing this to happen could force the government to take decisions based on short-term populist agenda. Take Telangana. Volatile public opinion can easily force mass recall of elected legislators. Such a problem is more serious in secession-infested areas. This is not a good situation the country finds itself in. It will create dangerous instability, and foreclose democratic options to resolve crises. Nation-building demands you allow emotions to play out.

At the local level, the risks are minimal and the system of recall can be tried out. But at the national level, the risks are huge and the complexities vast. We are an evolving democracy, a work-inprogress. We need to be patient. Recall is an easy way out; the difficulty lies in bringing about electoral reforms. Recall only lets off the steam temporarily without resolving anything. India is the only country where elected governments are habitually asked to resign when something wrong happens. We need to balance liberty and Parliament rule. Upsetting this balance could either lead to tyranny or anarchy.

Courtesy: Tehelka

Saturday, September 24, 2011 - 22:04
