Press Releases Archive

We are on the right side of history, Dr. JP asserts on Lok Satta's sixth anniversary

"We are on the right side of history," asserted Lok Satta Party national President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan on the sixth anniversary of the founding of the party here today.

Addressing a media conference, Dr. JP said that the "journey since the formation of the party six years ago on Mahatma Gandhi's birth anniversary has been difficult and uneven but rewarding."

Dr. JP said that "we have many miles to go but we move forward with clear knowledge and firm determination that there is no alternative to the Gandhian path for a better India."

Dr. JP pointed out that Mahatma Gandhi essentially stood for four values or principles.

First, he stood for ethical politics and maintained that public life is an extension of personal life and practiced what he preached. Secondly, he mastered the art of confronting challenges through creative tension, and not allowing them to degenerate into violence and hatred. With this technique, he built a great nation of disparate people with a variety of backgrounds. Thirdly, he maintained that opportunities should be available to all and that there should be no disparity irrespective of the circumstances of one's birth. Fourthly, he always fought for local government by underlining that the locus of power should be the citizen and his family. Power should be exercised as close to the citizen as possible at the village or the ward level.

Dr. JP said that Gandhi's values are eternal and universal and are relevant to a vast, complex, diverse and ancient society like ours. "Our failure to translate those principles into action in free India has landed us in crisis."

The Lok Satta Party has adopted the four Gandhian principles of ethical politics, harmony in society, opportunities to all without discrimination and power to people as its sheet anchor.

The Lok Satta can look back upon the past year with great satisfaction. It was instrumental in getting the scam-tainted 2-G licenses cancelled and fresh auctions initiated. Through its dramatic farmer satyagraha, the Lok Satta exposed the grave injustice being done to the farmer. Politics are slowly but steadily changing in favor of the farmer. The people's movement against corruption has created conditions conducive to creation of strong institutions like Lok Pal and citizen's charter. The focus on education and healthcare is deepening, paving the way for a better political discourse.

Dr. JP said that the Lok Satta Party will continue to remain a beacon of hope, raising right issues at the right time and mobilizing public opinion. The Surajya movement launched by the party during the year will pave the way for a better India. The Lok Satta Party is getting ready to organize internal elections and build a party completely owned, funded, controlled and led by ordinary people.

He called upon all thinking people not be on the sidelines but come forward and take ownership of the party to transform politics and society.

Dr. JP underlined the importance of youth, middle classes, women and farmers joining politics by saying that politics is too important a business to be left merely to politicians.

In reply to a question, Dr. JP said that the Lok Satta Party whole-heartedly welcomes the formation of Telangana as part of a comprehensive and amicable solution. The Telangana people have repeatedly expressed their aspiration for a separate State and it cannot be ignored in a democratic society.

Dr. JP appealed to all political parties and media sections to observe and promote restraint. While political parties have the right to carry on movements, they should not in the process foment hatred or disrupt normal life and undermine the future of the youth. Andhra Pradesh is already going through a crisis with investors shunning the State and the Government in a state of paralysis. Media houses should keep public interest in mind and not magnify trivial issues to attract eyeballs or boost circulation.

Answering another query, Dr. JP said that he welcomes TDP President N. Chandrababu Naidu's marathon padayatra. Mr. Chandrababu Naidu, who has rich experience as a politician for over three decades, should now act like a statesman and come up with honest and concrete solutions to the State's umpteen problems and not focus on short-term gains.

Dr. JP revealed that people planning to float a new political party in New Delhi are in touch with the Lok Satta and added that there would have been no need for new parties had the existing parties played their role sincerely and correctly.

In reply to a query, Dr. JP said that courts too are to blame for repeated postponement of elections to local bodies under some pretext or the other proffered by the Government. Besides holding local body elections immediately, the Government should empower them by making a per capita grant of Rs.1500 to every village and every ward in urban areas.

Lok Satta Party Working President D. V. V. S. Varma, Mr. M. Satya narayana, Lok Satta Party's Greater Hyderabad unit President, and Mrs. K. Gita Murthy, Mahila Satta leader, took part in the media conference.

Earlier Dr. JP unfurled the National Flag and Mr. Varma the Party Flag and paid floral tribute to Gandhi's portrait.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012 - 13:23

Lok Satta Party condemns attack on Dr. JP

The Lok Satta Party today strongly condemned the attack on its national President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan at Medchal on September 27 by some party workers in the name of Telangana when he was taking part in a non-partisan, round-table meeting on ‘surajya’ (good governance).

In a media statement, Lok Satta Party leaders Katari Srinivasa Rao and P. Ravi Maruth said that all democrats should condemn those fomenting hatred and indulging in physical attacks.

The leaders pointed out that he Lok Satta Party has unequivocally declared that it whole-heartedly welcomes the formation of Telangana State as part of an amicable and comprehensive solution. The Lok Satta Party has not indulged in double-speak in different regions or on different occasions.

The leaders recalled that it was Dr. JP who first suggested that the Assembly discuss the Telangana issue and adopt a resolution requesting the Union Government to resolve the issue as soon as possible. At a time when some politicians commented that the Telangana movement had lost its intensity and momentum, it was Dr. JP who underlined that although passions might have cooled down, people’s agony remained intact. Dr. JP had demanded an early solution to the Telangana problem by pointing out that people of the region gave vent to their aspirations repeatedly, the latest occasion being the by-elections to the Assembly.

The Lok Satta leaders recalled how Dr. JP has been striving to safeguard the interests of Telangana people. It was Dr. JP who took the initiative for deletion of Clause 14 F in the Presidential Order of 1975 dealing with recruitment to certain police personnel in Hyderabad. It was he who fought against diversion of the Godavari water from Yellampalli to Hyderabad and suggested that the water be utilized to meet the drinking water and irrigation needs of Telangana districts. He batted for Phase III of the Krishna water project to meet the drinking water needs of Hyderabad.

Dr. JP got the Siddipet market yard opened and provided relief to cotton growers of the area. He launched a movement to ensure remunerative prices to cotton and paddy growers. It was Dr. JP who successfully fought for implementation of G. O. No. 610 in regard to teachers’ transfers in Ranga Reddy district. He sought revocation of Nizam Sugars’ privatization and campaigned for strengthening the banks of River Krishna.

Mr. Srinivasa Rao and Mr. Ravi Maruth pointed out that top CPI, TRS and BJP leaders too have taken part in the surajya movement launched by the Lok Satta and Foundation for Democratic Reforms since it is non-partisan. Mr. Chennamneni Rajeswara Rao, freedom fighter and a walking encyclopedia on the Telangana liberation struggle, is steering the surajya movement unmindful of his age.

They called upon all political parties, civil society organizations and democrats to condemn those who are spewing hatred and indulging in violence.

Friday, September 28, 2012 - 17:00

Pinnamaneni a towering personality: Dr. JP

Lok Satta Party National President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today described Mr. Pinnamaneni Koteswara Rao as an outstanding leader who spread education with a missionary zeal. If thousands of people with modest background have broken out of shackles of poverty and are making their mark across the world, the credit goes to people like Pinnamaneni who promoted establishment of primary and high schools in every village. He visited every village and knew every teacher by name, Dr. JP said recalling that Pinnamaneni was Krishna Zilla Parishad Chairman when he was a student and remained in that position when he became a District Collector.

Dr. JP said that India was fortunate to have towering leaders at the national, State and local levels in the post-Independence generation. Pinnamaneni was an ardent champion of local self-government and dedicated to the cause of the farmer. A man of impeccable integrity and high personal values, he transcended pettiness and brought diverse groups together in the interests of the State and the nation. It is a pity that we no longer have leaders of that caliber, said Dr. JP and added that the life and work of Pinnamaneni should serve as a message to the younger generation.

Dr. JP conveyed his condolences to the family members and innumerable friends and admirers of Pinnamaneni, who passed away on Thursday, September 27.

Thursday, September 27, 2012 - 20:26
