Press Releases Archive

Akbaruddin Owaisi should publicly withdraw his remarks: Lok Satta

Lok Satta Party welcomed the government’s decision to book criminal cases against Akbaruddin Owaisi for the alleged hate speeches.

“It is unfortunate that responsible people’s representatives often use offensive language calculated to arouse religious or other sectarian animosities, and incite communities and groups to violence and hatred. Such behaviour by anyone, however high he may be, should be unequivocally condemned by all sections of society. Lok Satta Party urges The Speaker of the AP Legislative Assembly to take note of the incidents and initiate proceedings against the individuals for breach of ethics and for conduct unbecoming of the Member” said the Party state general secretary Mr. Katari Srinivasa Rao in media statement today.

He urged Akbharuddin Owaisi to publicly withdraw his communal and provocative remarks and take all necessary action in a demonstrable manner to prevent communal disaffection, and to promote peace and harmony among all sections.

“India is a home to all conceivable religions, and many castes, languages, regions and cultures. We will remain as a nation only if all of us, particularly elected representatives and parties, recognize that the nation is an indivisible whole. Mutual respect, restraint, harmony, equality before law, constitutionalism, and secularism must be the cornerstones of our individual and collective behaviour. Lok Satta Party appeals to all sections of the public to maintain dignity and peace, and not to be provoked in any manner by irresponsible, sectarian utterances calculated to create divisions in society”, said Mr. Katari Srinivasa Rao.

Friday, January 4, 2013 - 22:14

Teachers should bother about educational standards and not merely their pay and postings: Dr.JP

Lok Satta Party national President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today counseled teachers' organizations to go into causes for deteriorating educational standards and strive to remedy the situation instead of confining themselves merely to issues of pay, postings and promotions.

Dr. JP was addressing a meeting at the party headquarters after unveiling the 2013 calendar brought out by Upadhyaya Satta, an affiliate of the party, on the birth anniversary of Savitribai Phule, teacher and social reformer.

Dr. JP said the finding of a survey that India occupies the 73rd place among 74 countries in educational standards is disturbing.

Considering that our students are intelligent and teachers competent and that society holds teachers in high esteem, teachers' organizations should attempt to improve educational standards, said Dr. JP.

Dr. JP said that neglect had crept into educational institutions in the absence of a mechanism to evaluate their performance continuously.

Dr. JP said educational institutions have to inculcate right values in students to prevent improper behavior towards women.

Dr. JP said that if there is one community which is by and large untainted by corruption and has tremendous influence on the upcoming generation it is that of teachers. If they are inspired and encouraged to work together they can work miracles, he added.

Besides standing by her spouse Jyotiba Phule in his fight for education and women's development and against caste discrimination, Savitribai Phule served society as an exemplary teacher.

Upadhyaya Satta State President Balakishen Rao, district leaders and Lok Satta Party General Secretary Katari Srinivasa Rao took part in the program.

Thursday, January 3, 2013 - 20:43
