Press Releases Archive

Dr. JP sees a glimmer of hope in Lalu’s conviction

The conviction of Mr. Lalu Prasad Yadav, Rashtriya Janata Dal President and former Bihar Chief Minister, by a CBI court “gives some hope that the corrupt will be punished at long last,” commented Lok Satta Party national President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today.

In a media statement, Dr. JP, however, pointed out that it took 20 years to finish the trial and appeals might take decades.

A CBI court on September 30 convicted Mr. Lalu Prasad and 44 others in the fodder scam dating back to the 1990’s.

Dr. JP said, “If 10 top politicians and officials are convicted in every State and their properties confiscated, we can reduce corruption.”

Dr. JP said the Lalu Prasad case exposes the political crisis in India. A product of the anti-corruption struggle and the Emergency, Mr. Lalu Prasad was the darling of media and masses in the 1990’s. Yet, he became a part of what is wrong. As Lalu had realized that ethical conduct and political power were unrelated to each other, he became a cynical practitioner of all unseemly methods in power politics – caste mobilization, sectarianism, patronage, corruption, polarization, short-term populism and criminalization.

“Mr. Lalu Prasad’s rise and fall are a symbol of a generation’s failure. We wasted three decades by delaying political & economic reform.

“In today’s India, honesty has become incompatible with power in politics. Good people have to quit politics or compromise on values.

“We need a system that makes honest, competent, committed persons electable. Right now they are a liability. Ethical and rational politicians should be seen as assets in a sensible system. We need the proportional representation system to change politics, and allow the entry and success of clean, rational and competent citizens in politics.

“Proportional representation at the top end, local empowerment at the bottom, and accountability everywhere – these are needed to cleanse our political system.

“Political reform, guaranteed service delivery, rule of law, opportunity for all and economic growth – these should be our mantras in the coming years. If we achieve them, our democracy will be safe, our youth will have a bright future, and our economy will prosper”.

(To know more about Dr. JP’s views on latest developments, please click

Monday, September 30, 2013 - 15:31

SC verdict on negative vote option positive: Dr. JP

The Lok Satta today described the Supreme Court judgment providing for casting a negative vote in elections as a small but significant and positive step in improving politics.

In a media statement, Lok Satta Party national President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan recalled that the Lok Satta movement had suggested the reform to the Election Commission of India 15 years ago. Since the Election Commission could not change the rules on its own, it referred the matter to the Government of India. The Government has not acted on the suggestion.

The Supreme Court has now asked the Election Commission to provide ‘None of the Above (NOTA)’ button on EVMs and option on ballot papers. The apex court said the right to vote and the right to say NOTA are both part of the basic right of voters.

Dr. JP recalled that the NOTA option will not be a game changer going by past experience. Hardy one or two percent of voters exercised such an option when Lok Satta campaigned hard to mobilize Negative vote. In Andhra Pradesh, fewer than 1% exercised negative vote option when the State Election Commission tried it in local elections in the past.

Yet, Dr. JP said, the reform will serve the purpose of pressurizing political parties to shun fielding undesirable and discredited candidates. It will also motivate a section of voters who do not go to the polling booth now on the pretext that all the candidates in the race are detestable. In such cases voters can be encouraged to exercise the option of recording their dissent by negative vote.

The NOTA reform will also come in handy when voters feel none of the political parties or candidates in the fray is mirroring their feelings in time of emotional polarization or surcharged atmosphere. The voters, especially in a local election, can express their wrath against all candidates if a long-pending problem is not addressed to their satisfaction. On occasion it could also be a weapon to mobilize sectarian vote based on caste or ethnicity in support of highly parochial demands.

There will be a real transformation in politics only when all political parties field candidates with credibility, integrity, competence and good track record, Dr. JP added. “Political crisis of the nation can only be resolved by political means and citizens’ participation, not by judiciary or Election Commission alone.”

Friday, September 27, 2013 - 15:31
