Press Releases Archive

Lok Satta resuming agitation against private buses

The Lok Satta Party has decided to obstruct operations by Jabbar and Diwakar Travels beginning today as the Chief Minister has failed to fulfill his promise of adequate compensation to next of kin of Palem bus accident victims.

It may be recalled that 45 people were burnt to death in a ghastly accident at Palem in Mahabubnagar district more than two months ago.

In response to an agitation launched by the Lok Satta Party led by its national President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan and State President Katari Srinivasa Rao, the Chief Minister promised the relatives of victims that justice would be rendered to them by January 20.

Lok Satta’s GHMC unit President Dosapati Ramu and State Yuva Satta President P. Shivaji said that they had refrained from direct action earlier considering that passengers would be put to trouble during the festive season. Now that the deadline set by the Chief Minister has expired, they will resume their direct action, they said.

The two leaders appealed to youth in particular and people in general to support Dr. JP’s formula for resolving the crisis over the State’s bifurcation. The State has already suffered immensely because of regional agitations on the bifurcation issue. The future of the youth will be in jeopardy if they allow the uncertainty to continue.

They pointed out that Dr. JP’s formula has been welcomed by people in all regions of the State. The youth have to exert pressure on people’s representatives and ensure that they endorse Dr. JP’s formula and restore peace in the State.

Monday, January 20, 2014 - 18:03

Mobilize support for Lok Satta’s AP formula, Dr.JP tells youth

Lok Satta Party national President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today called upon youth all over the State and industry organizations like CII and FICCI to mobilize support for getting Special Category status to Rayalaseema region in Andhra Pradesh.

Dr. JP had pleaded for Special Category status to Rayalaseema as part of his comprehensive solution to the crisis in the State on formation of Telangana as a separate State.

Dr. JP said the proposals he outlined in the Assembly on January 18 during a discussion on the AP Reorganization Bill have received wide support from people all over the State.

He was addressing a meeting at the party headquarters on the occasion of NRI IT entrepreneur Mr. V. Srujith Kumar Gupta and IT professionals joining the Lok Satta Party.

Dr. JP pointed out that the Special Category status to Rayalaseema would attract huge investments as it entails exemption from excise and corporate income tax and provide employment to tens of thousands of youth. He underlined that he made the proposal keeping in mind the long-term interests of youth and not short-term political gains for the party.

Dr. JP called upon people to detest dynastic politics. Politics is a noble endeavour and not business. As business has many players and results in competition, people stand to gain in that they can have access to quality goods and services at competitive rates. In contrast, there is monopoly in Government. People stand to lose immensely if they elect people going by their dynastic credentials and not their merit or competence or integrity.

The 70 lakh youth in the State and 11 to 12 crore e in the country, who are going to vote for the first time in the 2014 elections should spurn dynastic politics, Dr. JP said. He pointed out that Mr. Katari Srinivasa Rao had been elected State President of the party in en election conducted by secret ballot although he was not related to him or belonged to his caste.

Dr. JP pointed out that thanks to the campaign launched by the Lok Satta for the last 18 years the people who once detested politics now deem exercising franchise as a matter of pride. Even today’s leaders of the Aam Aadmi Party which made a splash in Delhi Assembly elections had hated politics in 2011. He congratulated Mr. Srujit Kumar Gupta and his team on their determination to serve the country by joining politics.

Asked whether the emergence of AAP in Andhra Pradesh will result in a loss to the Lok Satta Party, Dr. JP said his party is not a company to be in business only if it makes profits. He said he would touch upon electoral alliances later. The Lok Satta will indulge in mature politics he said and added that it has been instrumental in ushering in many reforms although it enjoyed no power or publicity.

Mr. Katari Srinivasa Rao said that the formula outlined by Dr. JP in the Assembly has been hailed by people all over the State. He called upon all parties to halt their double speak on the Telangana issue and support Dr. JP’s formula to resolve the crisis in the State.

Mr. Srujit Kumar Gupta said he has joined the Lok Satta since it alone can fulfil people’s aspiration for a change in the nature of politics.

Lok Satta leaders D. V. V. S. Varma, Jagannatha Reddy and N. Ravinder took part in the meeting.

Sunday, January 19, 2014 - 19:52
