Press Releases Archive

Center duty-bound to meet deficit of Residuary Andhra Pradesh: Dr.JP

The Union Government is solely responsible for addressing the revenue deficit the residuary Andhra Pradesh will face as a direct consequence of its decision to create Telangana, said Lok Satta Party national President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan here today.

Addressing a media conference, Dr. JP disclosed that leaders of both the ruling UPA and the main Opposition BJP have welcomed the specific suggestions made by the Lok Satta Party to address the deficit issue and promised to incorporate them in the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Bill.

Dr. JP said that the Union Government seems to be trying to wriggle out of its commitment under the pretext it involves huge expenditure.

The Lok Satta Party had conclusively established that the residuary Andhra Pradesh will face a revenue deficit of Rs.7000 crore according to 2012-13 data and perhaps Rs.10000 crore at present, whereas Hyderabad city which forms part of Telangana will have a surplus of Rs.13000 crore. How does the Center which opted for Andhra Pradesh bifurcation expect the residuary Andhra Pradesh to carry on its administration with such a huge deficit?

Dr. JP demanded that the Union Government should take care of residuary Andhra Pradesh’s deficit for the next 10 years by making provisions in the reorganization Bill. Has not the Union Government claimed that it is undertaking bifurcation for ensuring the progress of the two States?

Dr. JP reiterated his suggestion that Rayalaseema and North Coastal Andhra be treated on par with Special Category States and extended excise and corporate income tax concessions and investment and freight subsidies to promote industrialization. Development of Ramayapatnam port and the building of a new capital in less than 10 years are the other suggestions made by the Lok Satta.

Dr. JP said that the Constitution should be amended if the Governor were to be entrusted with law and order as was done in the case of Arunachal Pradesh.

Dr. JP maintained that the UPA used a blunt bludgeon and a battle axe instead of a sharp scalpel to carve Andhra Pradesh into two States and ignored the consequences flowing out of its action. Even now, it is not late to do justice to all the regions of the State by adopting the amendments suggested by the Lok Satta.

Dr. JP acknowledged that the Union Government has accepted its suggestions on execution of the Polavaram project, continuation of ongoing Krishna river projects in both the regions, establishment of a 4000 mw thermal power station and construction of roads in Telangana and providing fast connectivity between Hyderabad and the new capital of residuary Andhra Pradesh.

Dr. JP pointed out that the people have paid a heavy price for the unbridled and unabashed quest for power of the traditional parties. Politics should revolve round people and not leaders. Politics should result in administration being taken to people’s door-step, elimination of corruption, eradication of poverty, provision of quality education and healthcare to all, maintenance of rule of law, creation of jobs and livelihoods. The need of the hour is political leadership with integrity, maturity and competence.

Dr. JP appealed to people to utilize the Lok Satta as their platform and become partners in rewriting the grammar of politics. He wanted the media to re-instill confidence in people in their future and not fuel their despair and disappointment over the recent developments.

Replying to a question, he said imposition of President’s rule is ideal in the wake of Mr. Kiran Kumar Reddy’s resignation as Chief Minister.

Lok Satta leaders Irama Murthy, Nandipet Ravinder and Mohd. Ghose took part in the media conference.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014 - 20:04

Let us focus on future and not past, Dr.JP appeals to Telugu people

“It is not a time for either triumphalism or sorrow; it is the time for resolute, united action to build a better future for all Telugu people”, said Lok Satta Party national President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today on the passage of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Bill in the Lok Sabha. “Now we must focus on future and not the past.”

In a media statement, Dr. JP appealed to Telugu people not to allow seeds of discord to affect our lives and livelihood. “The political games the parties play should not affect the future of our society. Telugus have a long and distinguished history, distinct culture, language and literature. The bonds of unity among people are much stronger than political boundaries that are drawn. We must all work for the betterment of all the three regions in the coming years. We must all raise our voice together if an issue that affects all Telugu people arises and ensure that the future is secure.”

Commenting on the way the Bill has been passed, Dr. JP said it is a classic case of how a new State is not to be formed. “It is well known that creation of a Telangana State has been a long pending demand of people in Telangana region. While forming a State, it is necessary to ensure that there are no winners or losers and that all people emerge as winners. Unfortunately, the UPA Government and the Lok Sabha have failed to reconcile the conflicting interests of all the three regions in the State.”

Dr. JP said, “A wise and enlightened leadership would have handled the sensitive issue with foresight, vision and wisdom and carried all the three regions with it. But the way the whole issue is handled and the Bill drafted and passed by the Lok Sabha is a classic case of how a new State should not be formed.”

Dr. JP recalled the Lok Satta Party had suggested specific amendments to ensure a sound economic future for all the regions of the State and see to it that deficits do not plague either State in the coming years. Both the UPA Government and the main Opposition party have publicly acknowledged the strength of the issues raised and repeatedly assured incorporation of the amendments in the Bill.

“However, there is no clarity on the final provisions in the Bill. Both the Government and the main Opposition Party should have reached out to the nation and given confidence to all the three regions that the provisions have been incorporated. They have, however, failed to do so. It is vital that these provisions are incorporated in full measure in a credible and transparent manner.”

Dr. JP pointed out the Lok Satta has all along maintained that creation of a new State will not alter anything significantly. A lot of work needs to be done to bring Government to people, give economic opportunity to every child, create jobs, end corruption and re-instil confidence in the democratic process.”

Tuesday, February 18, 2014 - 19:57
