Pinnamaneni a towering personality: Dr. JP

Lok Satta Party National President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today described Mr. Pinnamaneni Koteswara Rao as an outstanding leader who spread education with a missionary zeal. If thousands of people with modest background have broken out of shackles of poverty and are making their mark across the world, the credit goes to people like Pinnamaneni who promoted establishment of primary and high schools in every village. He visited every village and knew every teacher by name, Dr. JP said recalling that Pinnamaneni was Krishna Zilla Parishad Chairman when he was a student and remained in that position when he became a District Collector.

Dr. JP said that India was fortunate to have towering leaders at the national, State and local levels in the post-Independence generation. Pinnamaneni was an ardent champion of local self-government and dedicated to the cause of the farmer. A man of impeccable integrity and high personal values, he transcended pettiness and brought diverse groups together in the interests of the State and the nation. It is a pity that we no longer have leaders of that caliber, said Dr. JP and added that the life and work of Pinnamaneni should serve as a message to the younger generation.

Dr. JP conveyed his condolences to the family members and innumerable friends and admirers of Pinnamaneni, who passed away on Thursday, September 27.

Thursday, September 27, 2012 - 20:26