Now is the time for reason and calm, Understanding and patience: Dr. JP

Lok Satta Party national President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan this evening appealed to all people in the State to maintain peace and harmony and participate in the discussions on future arrangements and safeguards to protect the interests of all.

In a media statement issued in the wake of the UPA and Congress Working Committee’s decision to carve out Telangana as a separate State, Dr. JP said: “Now is the time for reason and calm, not for emotion and triumphalism. … We need now the language of love, understanding, patience.

Dr. JP said: We need to ensure that

  • Interests of all regions are protected
  • Conditions are created for Assembly’s endorsement
  • The growth of investment in and around Hyderabad are promoted, and
  • Harmony among all Telugus and growth and prosperity of all regions and future States are ensured.

I appeal to all sections to maintain peace and harmony, and participate in the discussions on future arrangements and safeguards to protect the interests of all.

Drawing a political boundary is just a line on the map. All Indians and Telugus will enjoy all rights in full measure in all regions. And all will have opportunities to fulfill personal goals, while promoting public good.

We need now the language of love, understanding, patience.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013 - 18:50