Shed complacency and vote for Lok Satta: Dr. JP

Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today appealed to voters to shed their complacency borne out of the feeling that there would be no change in their lives whichever party came to power. He wanted them to vote for the Lok Satta, which has emerged as an alternative to the traditional parties. “The Lok alone could not change the country. You will have to utilize the platform provided by the Lok Satta.”

On a whistle-stop tour of the Khairatabad constituency, Dr. JP addressed gatherings at a number of places appealing to people not to be swayed by Government’s short-term sops. “Don’t part with your vote worth Rs.2.33.000 for a paltry Rs.500. Hitherto you have been electing traditional parties and losing in the process. It is time you won the elections this time by availing of the Lok Satta platform.”

If elected to power, the Lok Satta would provide free and quality education and health care and job-oriented skills and livelihood opportunities to all. In addition, it would provide a per capita grant of Rs.1000 to every division so that all the local needs could be attended to.

Mr. R. Chandra, a Badruka College student who lost his eye in the Gokul Chat blast incident of Aug 25. 2007, is campaigning on behalf of Dr. JP in the Kukatpally constituency. The Lok Satta stood by him when the Government wavered in extending him relief.

Party spokesman Dr. P. Bhaskara Rao said that Lok Satta candidates contesting Assembly and Lok Sabha elections as also party activists in Telangana and North Coastal Andhra would blow whistles at 10-00 a.m. on April 14, the last day of campaigning, from a central place in their constituencies. By whistling, they call upon voters to revolt against the present political system by voting for the Lok Satta Party.

Sunday, April 12, 2009 - 17:43