Conscientious voting the Need of the hour: Dr. JP

Lok Satta Party President today appealed to every voter to exercise his or her franchise because the vote is the only instrument in a democracy by which they can transform the country. “Deem voting as a sacred duty in the interests of your children and you,” he told a media conference.

“Not voting is not an option for any citizen. Vote is the only effective from of raising your voice in a democracy. As Martin Luther Kind said, ‘The silence of the good people is more dangerous than the brutality of the bad people’. We can transform India only by honest exercise of franchise”.

He pointed out that he was heartened by the large turnout of youth, women, middle class people, the victims of liquor menace, the poor daily-wage earners, Government and private sector employees and retired employees in the first phase of polling, and hoped the second phase too would witness similar enthusiasm.

He accused all the mainstream parties of perverting democracy by unabashedly and openly inducing voters with money and liquor in an unprecedented manner. Considering that what the police have seized all over the State – a little over Rs.36 crore -- in their drive against distribution of money did not constitute even one percent of the money spent by parties, Dr. JP said democracy could be preserved only when citizens become its sentinels. “Democracy is too a precious thing to be left to constitutional authorities alone for safekeeping. They have certain built-in limitations.”

Dr. JP referred to his whistle-stop election campaigning in the State and said he was touched by the warmth he received everywhere. “Every heart is beating for change – the educated and the illiterate, the old and the young, men and women. The need of the hour is conscientious voting. There is a tremendous surge of hope and confidence among the youth, women, poor and middle classes. We together can transform the country and unveil a bright future for our children.”

Dr. JP wanted all those who have led a silent revolution against the politics of big money, muscle power, casteism, corruption and parochialism to come forward and take up leadership positions. “The second freedom movement is now on. Please join it and be counted.”

Wednesday, April 22, 2009 - 20:34