Dr. JP to appear before panel on Lokpal Bill on 23rd Sep

Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan will appear before the Parliamentary Committee on the Lokpal Bill in New Delhi tomorrow and offer his suggestions.

Dr. JP will suggest that the Lokpal Bill envisage constitution of Lokayuktas in States and ombudsmen in districts. The Union Government can pass a law applicable to the entire country in the context of its ratification of the UN Convention against Corruption.

According to Dr JP, the Lokpal will have jurisdiction over the Prime Minister subject to certain caveats. The Lokpal will have jurisdiction over all Ministers, MPs, all officials above a certain rank and all Group A officers, all Chief Ministers, and all NGOs above a certain threshold. Chief Ministers should be under the Lokpal. (If the Lokpal law does not include Chief Ministers, they should be under Lokayukta jurisdiction).

Dr. JP will suggest that the CVC cover all lower officials. The CVC will be part of the Lokpal as ex-officio members, but will have separate existence and functions under the CVC Act.

Dr. JP will argue that judges of higher judiciary shall not to be under Lokpal jurisdiction. A National Judicial Commission should be constituted for judicial appointments and oversight.

The findings of the Lokpal on acts of omission and commission in corruption cases should be final and provision should be made for confiscation of the entire property of the corrupt, according to Dr. JP.

Thursday, September 22, 2011 - 18:54