Lok Satta demands all-party meet on farmers’ problems

The Lok Satta Party today demanded that the Government convene an all-party meet immediately to discuss farmers’ problems.

Pledging the party’s support to the 100-hour fast being undertaken by Andhra Pradesh Farmers’ Federation President Yeneni Nagendranath at Amalapuram from October 2, Lok Satta Party President D. V. V. S. Varma said that long-term neglect of agriculture by both Union and State Governments threatened national food security.

In a media statement, Mr. Varma said that the Mohan Kanda Committee report on crop holiday being observed by farmers in different parts of the State and the Government’s response to it did not address the agricultural crisis.

Mr. Varma demanded that the Union Government announce a remunerative price for paddy. If it does not, the State Government should compensate farmers to that extent by way of bonus. Public sector undertakings should procure every grain produced at the remunerative price. The Government should facilitate export of surplus food grains through public sector undertakings and share profits with farmers. Farmers should have the freedom to export non-food produce anywhere and anytime.

Saturday, September 24, 2011 - 21:38