A vote against status quo: Dr. JP

Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan said today that the by-elections to the seven Assembly seats in Andhra Pradesh demonstrated that the people rejected the status quo but were not looking for an alternative. They roundly rejected the Congress and the Telugu Desam which between them have ruled Andhra Pradesh for three decades.

In a media statement, Dr. JP pointed out that the Lok Satta Party earnestly attempted to convey its message and sought people's support for its agenda in the form of votes. "The political polarization in the State is so intense that there is no space for rational voices or ethical politics now."

Unfazed by the election outcome, the Lok Satta will do its utmost to protect democratic values.

"Nothing short of a miracle can prevent Andhra Pradesh from becoming the saddest example of decline in politics. Decades of cynical politics, corruption, intense polarization and power without purpose have led to a grave crisis.

"But miracles do not happen on their own; they should be made to happen. That is possible only when saner elements in all parties and concerned citizens including middle classes, women and youth introspect over the parlous state of politics and join hands to reverse the process. The election results should serve as a wake up call", added Dr. JP.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012 - 19:13