Don't resort to suicide for Telangana, Appeals Lok Satta Party

The Lok Satta Party today appealed to youth to fight for formation of a separate Telangana State constitutionally and not resort to suicide.

Conveying the party's deep condolences to the families of Bojya Naik and Rajamouli, who ended their lives in the Telangana cause, Lok Satta Party Working President D. V. V. S. Varma appealed to all political parties to discuss the issue in the legislature and not exploit it for gaining publicity and political mileage.

Mr. Varma pointed out in a media statement that the Lok Satta has all along suggested that the Legislature arrive at a solution acceptable to all after a thorough debate. Unfortunately, both the ruling and Opposition parties have been evasive on the suggestion.

The Lok Satta would like legislators to discuss the issue keeping in mind the aspirations and fears of people of the two regions, work out a solution and make their recommendations to the Union Government. The Congress and the Telugu Desam Party should take the initiative and exert pressure on Delhi towards resolution of the problem.

Mr. Varma said that Telangana would not have become a running sore resulting in youth ending their lives had politicians behaved responsibly.

Monday, March 26, 2012 - 19:15