Dr.Ashwin Mahesh's Chat on Twitter

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - Join me, JP and Surendra Srivastava this evening from 6-7 for a live debate on twitter, as we look at the recent... http://fb.me/1jctwyuOe

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @kharesm @JP_LOKSATTA the 'policy' decision is not really taken on the basis of policy.

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Saurabh Khare @kharesm - @JP_LOKSATTA Why is kerosene subsidy not touched? Wouldn't that increase the adulteration in diesel? Cash transfer possible? #LoksattaLive

Saurabh Khare @kharesm - @ashwinmahesh @JP_LOKSATTA hmm..correct. They didn't think of fiscal deficit when introducing NREGA or FSB. #LoksattaLive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @kharesm @JP_LOKSATTA The 'fiscal prudence' argument only makes sense if prudence is generally woven into many other decisions also.

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Saurabh Khare @kharesm - @JP_LOKSATTA Why is kerosene subsidy not touched? Wouldn't that increase the adulteration in diesel? Cash transfer possible? #LoksattaLive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - The 'fiscal prudence' argument only makes sense if prudence is generally woven into many other decisions also. Else, just a vacuous claim.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - #loksattalive There is a tendency for the debate on 'F'DI to turn into a debate on organised retail itself. These are 2 different things.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - #loksattalive Indian citizens and Indian-owned companies can already invest in the retail industry, no restrictions. And many already do.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - #loksattalive Now the question is : should others, i.e. not Indians, also be 'allowed' to invest in the retail sector?

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - #loksattalive 'Multi-brand' retail is a vague distinction. Govt has confused things unnecessarily by this term.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - #loksattalive Ikea is as multi-brand as Walmart; whether one organises and integrates producers or suppliers is the only difference.

Aravind @arav_m - @ashwinmahesh yes but don't we need reform in manufacturing policy & labor laws to increase efficacy of organised retail incl FDI? #FDI

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @arav_m #loksattalive it is inevitable in the sense that at some point in any economic chain, someone has to foot the bill

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Aravind @arav_m - #loksattalive LSP stand on supporting fuel $ hike as inevitable seems misplaced as oil cos taxed high & inefficient schemes take big share?

Aravind @arav_m - @ashwinmahesh sadly,govt looking at FDI as silver bullet w/o realizing cost of poor framework around it is settng up 4 failure #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @arav_m #loksattalive fully agree ... that's why I said this is as much a 'foreign' affairs issue as it is an economic one.

Aravind @arav_m - @ashwinmahesh we all r aware how china keeps currency artificially low to make its exports competitive, this skews compet #loksattalive #FDI

Aravind @arav_m - @ashwinmahesh true sir. unfortunately signal going out is govt opening up retail w/o looking at reforms in labor, manuf #loksattalive #FDI

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @arav_m #loksattalive fiscal discipline is not part of the overall policy framework of govt. They trot it out whenever it suits them.

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Aravind @arav_m - #loksattalive LSP stand on supporting fuel $ hike as inevitable seems misplaced as oil cos taxed high & inefficient schemes take big share?

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @MaheshMrcool #loksattalive they could. To some extent, already do. But they lack certain areas of expertise. Most are finance companies :)

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Mahesh @MaheshMrcool - #loksattalive if role of bigger shops r needed why cant TATA, GMR and Birla companies step in like Reliance.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - #loksattalive International relations are more about 'negotiation' than about economic rationale or common sense.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - #loksattalive Countries do what is best for themselves, usually. But some nations know how to position their view as 'good for everyone!

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - #loksattalive Aviation FDT was permitted only by non-airlines until now - that tells how little common sense there is in 'foreign' policy.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @JhunjhunwalaFC @JP_LOKSATTA some of this is just a 'sell out' strategy. #loksattalive

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Jhunjhunwala FC @JhunjhunwalaFC - RT @JP_LOKSATTA: #loksattalive Even Indian companies want FDI. If the bring in capital, management & technology, they should be welcome

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @JhunjhunwalaFC #loksattalive Some Indian co.s can't really hack it; they've briefly cornered certain value. Their only 'ROI' is by selling.

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Jhunjhunwala FC @JhunjhunwalaFC - RT @JP_LOKSATTA: #loksattalive Even Indian companies want FDI. If the bring in capital, management & technology, they should be welcome

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @JhunjhunwalaFC #loksattalive Similar to Coalgate. Ghutka, chaddi makers plan to exit selling to real miners. A few retailers will do same

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Jhunjhunwala FC @JhunjhunwalaFC - RT @JP_LOKSATTA: #loksattalive Even Indian companies want FDI. If the bring in capital, management & technology, they should be welcome

Aravind @arav_m - @ashwinmahesh sadly,govt looking at FDI as silver bullet w/o realizing cost of poor framework around it is settng up 4 failure #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @arav_m #loksattalive fully agree ... that's why I said this is as much a 'foreign' affairs issue as it is an economic one.

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Aravind @arav_m - @ashwinmahesh we all r aware how china keeps currency artificially low to make its exports competitive, this skews compet #loksattalive #FDI

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @arav_m #loksattalive fiscal discipline is not part of the overall policy framework of govt. They trot it out whenever it suits them.

Aravind @arav_m - #loksattalive LSP stand on supporting fuel $ hike as inevitable seems misplaced as oil cos taxed high & inefficient schemes take big share?

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - #loksattalive We must develop the skill to negotiate the national interest in international fora - an important part of global competition

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @arav_m time for the states to grow up. We can't hide behind Centre's idiocy all the time :) #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @arav_m no alternative to this, except to ensure that our 'negotiation' teams are strong. Can't send officials on junket tours #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @arav_m #loksattalive - infra is needed regardless of who uses the channel, Indian or others. Shd remove roadblocks to all infra investments

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Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive Real benefit is in stimulating post harvest technology.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - #loksattalive We must also ensure 'national interest' represented by Centre is truly the nation's interest, not just some crony capitalism.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - #loksattalive At state level, one source of anger is Central government doesn't really 'consult' the states on a lot of trade matters.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - #loksattalive Blame for this lies with state MPs - what are they doing in Delhi? Especially Rajya Sabha MPs, who represent their states?

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @PollTics #loksattalive most likely :) But we needn't worry too much. Even the support is based partly on realpolitik !!

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Sanjay Jhunjhunwala @PollTics - @JP_LOKSATTA #loksattalive is the opposition to FDI in retail based on real politic rather than any concern for small business owners?

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive But failure to act in one area is no ground for inaction else where.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @rubenmasc #loksattalive has no capacity to 'invest' in anything. Real investments require more than just money.

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Ruben Mascarenhas @rubenmasc - #loksattalive BJP's argument is that Govt. should invest in Food processing,not leave it in pvt hands who may exploit,ur take? @as @jp

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @Amitjan #loksattalive middlemen exist mainly because information and price-awareness channel between producer and consumer is broken

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Amit Choudary @Amitjan - #loksattalive : Being concerned about Middlemen, What about farmers? even today most of them get underpaid, or their produce get wasted .

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @arav_m time for the states to grow up. We can't hide behind Centre's idiocy all the time :) #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @arav_m no alternative to this, except to ensure that our 'negotiation' teams are strong. Can't send officials on junket tours #loksattalive

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Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @arav_m #loksattalive - infra is needed regardless of who uses the channel, Indian or others. Shd remove roadblocks to all infra investments

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive Real benefit is in stimulating post harvest technology.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @RamSasidhar #loksattalive all over the world the std approach is to set up preferential access to small businesses, in the same channels.

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Ram Sasidhar @RamSasidhar - @JP_LOKSATTA If FDI is accepted, then what initiatives should be taken to support small business owners! #loksattalive @ashwinmahesh

Ram Sasidhar @RamSasidhar - @ashwinmahesh Thank You!

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @RamSasidhar #loksattalive reserving a portion of govt buying for small businesses, lower cost of finance ... etc

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Ram Sasidhar @RamSasidhar - @JP_LOKSATTA If FDI is accepted, then what initiatives should be taken to support small business owners! #loksattalive @ashwinmahesh

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @PollTics by all means

Sanjay Jhunjhunwala @PollTics - @ashwinmahesh #loksattalive trying to act as the devil's advocate becuase the debate is heavily swayed towards pro #FDI ers.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @PollTics @JP_LOKSATTA it should not be the ONLY medium, but no harm if it is discussed here also.

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Sanjay Jhunjhunwala @PollTics - @JP_LOKSATTA #loksattalive critics would argue that internet is not the right medium to discuss an issue which concerns common man.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive FDI also reduces current account deficit. Rupee now is under pressure and trade deficit is 4.4% of GDP.

Loksatta follower @LoksattaMember - @MaheshMrcool @ashwinmahesh we are not supporting every move of GOV for your kind information :)

Mahesh @MaheshMrcool - @ashwinmahesh #loksattalive Now we r thinking on FDI. I want to know what Gov had achieved by nuclear Bill.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @MaheshMrcool #loksattalive risks and opportunities go hand in hand. We also missed the bus on development. Many others are far ahead.

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Mahesh @MaheshMrcool - #loksattalive we escaped recession because our economy is mostly independent.By FDI i feel unstability in indian economy will come

Abdul Azeez Shaik @abdulazeez1984 - @ashwinmahesh Due to this, aren't foreign carriers have edge over indian carriers?Shouldn't it be on par with world's avg? #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @abdulazeez1984 #loksattalive high ATF only works because foreign ops are a small %age. Else they would fuel abroad :)

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Abdul Azeez Shaik @abdulazeez1984 - @JP_LOKSATTA What is your view on high ATF prices and high taxes on petrol,diesel? #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive if our credit rating is lowered because of inaction interest burden will go up instantly. we have to act now.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @PollTics by all means

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Sanjay Jhunjhunwala @PollTics - @ashwinmahesh #loksattalive trying to act as the devil's advocate becuase the debate is heavily swayed towards pro #FDI ers.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @PollTics @JP_LOKSATTA it should not be the ONLY medium, but no harm if it is discussed here also.

Sanjay Jhunjhunwala @PollTics - @JP_LOKSATTA #loksattalive critics would argue that internet is not the right medium to discuss an issue which concerns common man.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive FDI also reduces current account deficit. Rupee now is under pressure and trade deficit is 4.4% of GDP.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @srinumandpati rest are not prisoners. If the public saw them debate, they would never vote for them again :) #loksattalive

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Srinivas Mandapati @srinumandpati - #loksattalive the only party debating the issue in a proper manner, allowing all pts of view. Rest are prisoners of their votebanks

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @vnands #loksattalive depends on a lot of things. But we should ask whether the tide will lift for all.

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vijayanand samudrala @vnands - #loksattalive - will FDI create distributed wealth or concentrated wealth??

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @ramramdas #loksattalive yes, actual investment will be measured. Nothing new will happen right away, except in airlines.

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Ram Ramdas @ramramdas - @JP_LOKSATTA #loksattalive just a policy announcement may not open the gates. Too much noise both pro and con is being made abt FDI

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive FDI also reduces current account deficit. Rupee now is under pressure and trade deficit is 4.4% of GDP.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - #loksattalive Ony growth and jobs will end poverty. We can't wish away this truth. Need to ask, therefore: what will create these?

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @arav_m time for the states to grow up. We can't hide behind Centre's idiocy all the time :) #loksattalive

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Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @arav_m no alternative to this, except to ensure that our 'negotiation' teams are strong. Can't send officials on junket tours #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @arav_m #loksattalive - infra is needed regardless of who uses the channel, Indian or others. Shd remove roadblocks to all infra investments

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive Real benefit is in stimulating post harvest technology.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - #loksattalive We shd use words like 'allow' carefully. We shd not restate things we need as things we permit - a typical socialist confusion

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @worldofdilbar #loksattalive we wont have big retail without the backend. Out of their own self-interest they will do it.

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SP @worldofdilbar - #loksattalive How can we ensure big retail would not ignore back-end infra investment

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @arav_m #loksattalive unfortunate truth is that these things combine politics and economics. Purely one alone is not an option.

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Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - #loksattalive Ony growth and jobs will end poverty. We can't wish away this truth. Need to ask, therefore: what will create these?

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @jvsk3 #loksattalive you're right. That's why we need to get both politics and economics right.

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j venkatesh @jvsk3 - #loksattalive When V have a very faulty system Governing our Country is it right 2 open our Mkts 2 Notorious Retail Giants?

Prashen Kyawal @prashen - @ashwinmahesh @arav_m saying this since ages

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @arav_m #loksattalive notice how when they raise prices, they don't adjust tax rates? They can easily keep the tax as a number, not a %age.

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Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @abdulazeez1984 Our Tax-GDP ratio is still low. We need taxes to run Govt. There can be some tweaking, but not much. #loksattalive #FDI

Abdul Azeez Shaik @abdulazeez1984 - @JP_LOKSATTA What is your view on high ATF prices and high taxes on petrol,diesel? #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive if our credit rating is lowered because of inaction interest burden will go up instantly. we have to act now.

PradeepReddy Boppidi @pradeepboppidi - @ashwinmahesh rightly pointed, Infra projects do bridge d gaps. But clearing d projects need political will, supported by innovative tech

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @pradeepboppidi #loksattalive certainly, especially in infra. If we are smart, we should first 'clear' the infra proposals before others.

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PradeepReddy Boppidi @pradeepboppidi - RT @JP_LOKSATTA: #loksattalive FDI, FII & remittances are vital to bridge gap in short term. FII brings hot money. FDI is safer and...

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @vnands #loksattalive not strictly true - auto sector foreign-dominated, but Indian-produced. Telecom relies lot on foreign IT and hardware.

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vijayanand samudrala @vnands - #loksattalive large Indian businesses enjoyed success in auto, telecom and oil sectors without global partnerships...why not in retail?

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @indirakoneru #loksattalive notice that in countries with large retail, farmers are among the most pampered !!

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Dr. Indira Koneru @indirakoneru - Farmers may be given lucrative prices initially; but eventually they will be at the mercy of big retailers, isn't it? #loksattalive #fdi

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @karancspeaks #loksattalive in economic systems, we must not treat diligent and indifferent people the same.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @karancspeaks #loksattalive in my judgment, yes. I think there is genuine opportunity today for those who WANT to move up.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @karancspeaks #loksattalive there are countries, states, cities where this has happened globally. Even Walmart failed in some places

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @karancspeaks #loksattalive - let's explore this. Why is 'small' better than 'big'?

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @phani_alla1988 #loksattalive There are countries where even W has failed, while smaller retail has thrived. Big is not automatically enuf.

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Karan @karancspeaks - @ashwinmahesh Exactly. The other things you said should be implemented first and then FDI in retail.Otherwise this will lead to oligopoly.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @karancspeaks #loksattalive there is no such thing as the only solution. It is also an option. There are many other things needed.

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Karan @karancspeaks - To bring in efficiency in to the un-organised system, FDI is not the only solution. #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @Ganesh_Khare #loksattalive in peri urban areas farmers are quitting farming because the land is worth more for other uses.

Ganesh Khare @Ganesh_Khare - @ashwinmahesh #loksattalive agree. hw will it benefit farmers. mny farmers r quitng farmg

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @Ganesh_Khare #loksattalive if the logistics infra comes up, then there will be more sources of 'local' jobs.

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Ganesh Khare @Ganesh_Khare - #loksattalive. #fb apart from technical knowhow & some more money In mkt, hw wil our econmony bnefit?

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - #loksattalive Subsidy revisions in diesel and LPG - the step is right one to take, but the logic is still deeply unconnected from reality.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @cloudsaaspaas #loksattalive partly because partial steps are not enough in industries that make sense only in totality.

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Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - @JP_LOKSATTA FDI is already allowed in storage and no investment has come in. Why is that? #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @abdulazeez1984 #loksattalive have been advising JnNURM on this. Second version likely to be more sensible than first.

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Abdul Azeez Shaik @abdulazeez1984 - @JP_LOKSATTA Sir, shouldn't devpmnt of public transport be high priority for state govts to counter high petrol&diesel prices? #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @abdulazeez1984 Oil pricing is also abt incentives wid growin shortages & imports we need to promote othr fuels. Taxation hlps #loksattalive

Abdul Azeez Shaik @abdulazeez1984 - @JP_LOKSATTA What is your view on high ATF prices and high taxes on petrol,diesel? #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive if our credit rating is lowered because of inaction interest burden will go up instantly. we have to act now.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @arav_m #loksattalive I told you this is partly politics, not just econ :)

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Ram Ramdas @ramramdas - @dkarthik @ashwinmahesh @phani_alla1988 #loksattalive walmart stores hv closed even in china

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @phani_alla1988 #loksattalive There are countries where even W has failed, while smaller retail has thrived. Big is not automatically enuf.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @Ganesh_Khare #loksattalive in peri urban areas farmers are quitting farming because the land is worth more for other uses.

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Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @jai1900 #loksattalive there is a failure of politics, no doubt. Loksatta has been saying we cant crack this without political change too.

jai @jai1900 - @ashwinmahesh #loksattalive @ashwinmahesh but when it was allowed to import on condition of local manufacturing it voilated and got away

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @jai1900 #loksattalive that was partly a 'company' issue, not only a matter of international trade/finance.

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jai @jai1900 - #loksattalive How to stop one more Reebok happening after #FDI

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @PollTics #loksattalive I am not that particular about the source of investment. I think we should ask the question more generally.

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Sanjay Jhunjhunwala @PollTics - RT @PollTics: @JP_LOKSATTA what are your suggestions to promote more FDI in the country? #loksattalive @ashwinmahesh

Karan @karancspeaks - @ashwinmahesh Is system ready to absorb people who will be thrown out of the so called unorganised sector due to this?? #loksattalive

Karan @karancspeaks - @ashwinmahesh I dont care about W but there is a huge no. of people directly and indirectly depending on this sector. #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @karancspeaks #loksattalive there are countries, states, cities where this has happened globally. Even Walmart failed in some places

Karan @karancspeaks - @ashwinmahesh Efficiency is what Big are supposed to be bringing in system. But that is a primary responsibility of the state. #loksattalive

Karan @karancspeaks - @ashwinmahesh No. But organised small 100x times better than Big. Efficiency has to be bought in the system, by the system. #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @karancspeaks #loksattalive - let's explore this. Why is 'small' better than 'big'?

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Karan @karancspeaks - @ashwinmahesh But small will no longer be sustainable to fight against the big. Small cannot fight for longer time. #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @phani_alla1988 #loksattalive There are countries where even W has failed, while smaller retail has thrived. Big is not automatically enuf.

Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - @ashwinmahesh @JP_LOKSATTA You mean we have to believe the studies done by walmart?? Really? #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @cloudsaaspaas @JP_LOKSATTA sure ... by Walmart itself :) #loksattalive studies are not all objective.

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Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - @JP_LOKSATTA #loksattalive Is there any study showing that walmarts have done good to the health of people or economy?

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @Amitjan #loksattalive yes there is asymmetry. These are decisions that are difficult to roll back, therefore it is imp to make it work rite

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Amit Choudary @Amitjan - @ashwinkumar#loksattalive : any comment over exit models if required for future.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @bhargo_10 #loksattalive 'Not Indian' is not same as 'not good for India'. Indian firms trade globally without undermining other nations.

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Dudagadapa Bhargav @bhargo_10 - #loksattalive If sourcing is indian, customer is indian why cannot Indian retail firms do it? why do we have to learn business from others

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @INS_animesh #loksattalive coops are not prohibited, anyone can set them up. What we should not do is say, nothing else is allowed'.

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Animesh Sharma @INS_animesh - #loksattalive @JP_LOKSATTA Why organic cooperative approach for retail(like amul) is not better then FDI in retail?

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @karancspeaks #loksattalive in economic systems, we must not treat diligent and indifferent people the same.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @karancspeaks #loksattalive in my judgment, yes. I think there is genuine opportunity today for those who WANT to move up.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @karancspeaks #loksattalive there are countries, states, cities where this has happened globally. Even Walmart failed in some places

As Reply to

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @karancspeaks #loksattalive - let's explore this. Why is 'small' better than 'big'?

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @phani_alla1988 #loksattalive There are countries where even W has failed, while smaller retail has thrived. Big is not automatically enuf.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @indirakoneru #loksattalive in Lok Satta :)

As Reply to

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @cpings4 Its not one or the other. We must end corruption as well as mend the economy. And both quickly! Time is now! #loksattalive #FDI

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @cpings4 Congress brand of socialism has led to the crisis. now we hav 2 judge policy on merits, not from where it comes. #loksattalive #FDI

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive FDI, FII & remittances are vital to bridge gap in short term. FII brings hot money. FDI is safer and brings jobs & growth.

Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - @ashwinmahesh Sir, Do you any study about it? Is there any country that has benifitted with walmart? There is only joblosses. #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @cloudsaaspaas #loksattalive not a straight comparison. The Indian mkt you refer to includes all indirect jobs too.

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Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - Indian market is estimated $400 billion with 40million emplyed.Walmart trunover is $420 billion,but employs 2.1 million people.#LokSattaLive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @jai1900 #loksattalive there is a failure of politics, no doubt. Loksatta has been saying we cant crack this without political change too.

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jai @jai1900 - @ashwinmahesh #loksattalive @ashwinmahesh but when it was allowed to import on condition of local manufacturing it voilated and got away

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @jai1900 #loksattalive that was partly a 'company' issue, not only a matter of international trade/finance.

jai @jai1900 - #loksattalive How to stop one more Reebok happening after #FDI

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - #loksattalive trick is create a system in which big and small businesses collaborate, rather that tackling the same mkt goals competing.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @karancspeaks #loksattalive in my judgment, yes. I think there is genuine opportunity today for those who WANT to move up.

As Reply to

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @karancspeaks #loksattalive there are countries, states, cities where this has happened globally. Even Walmart failed in some places

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @karancspeaks #loksattalive - let's explore this. Why is 'small' better than 'big'?

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @phani_alla1988 #loksattalive There are countries where even W has failed, while smaller retail has thrived. Big is not automatically enuf.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @karancspeaks #loksattalive in economic systems, we must not treat diligent and indifferent people the same.

As Reply to

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @karancspeaks #loksattalive there are countries, states, cities where this has happened globally. Even Walmart failed in some places

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @karancspeaks #loksattalive - let's explore this. Why is 'small' better than 'big'?

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @phani_alla1988 #loksattalive There are countries where even W has failed, while smaller retail has thrived. Big is not automatically enuf.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @arav_m #loksattalive I have no objection to that. However, I am wary of producer-side subsidy, which has already failed badly in India

Aravind @arav_m - @supportloksatta not sufficient, small farmers cannot compete with big rich farmers on price/ access to credit #loksattalive @ashwinmahesh

Aravind @arav_m - @ashwinmahesh the least govt shud do is help them get easy credit so that they can invest & protect from big farmers/retailers #loksattalive

Loksatta Supporter @supportloksatta - @arav_m @ashwinmahesh sourcing conditions exist. so retailers will be forced to improve the competitiveness of indian farmer.

Aravind @arav_m - @ashwinmahesh yes sir. Dont u think we r putting our 'disempowered' small farmers at risk w FDI retail w/o 'protecting' them? #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @arav_m #loksattalive they could even self-organise. Problem is lack of 'associational relationships'. Mai baap sarkar makes things worse.

As Reply to

Aravind @arav_m - @ashwinmahesh how can small farmer benefit from FDI in retail? enter into contract farming like in case of Pepsico/Punjab? #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @praveenrangu9 #loksattalive - a lot of goods are only profitable to be sold from local sources. Plus, Indian SSI shd also get stronger.

As Reply to

praveenrangu @praveenrangu9 - #loksattalive one question. Walmart sells 90% made in china goods. It might kill all small scale Indian industries

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @Gubbi agree

Vinuth M. Madinur @Gubbi - @ashwinmahesh #loksattalive Now that FDI is here, we need to have structures in place rather have anarchy and "anything goes" system.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @Gubbi #loksattalive I think that's already the case !! As I said, we need political and economic mgt to go together.

As Reply to

Vinuth M. Madinur @Gubbi - #loksattalive FDI also means entry of big players into farming and land owning. There will be larger farmlands and farmers as employees.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @Vidyut #loksattalive Being 'Indian' is not a license to exploit other Indians.

As Reply to

Vidyut @Vidyut - Middlemen may be exploitative, but they are still Indians and it won't help our country if they get sidelined too. #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @avinash_121 @Vidyut take those up in WTO.

As Reply to

Vidyut @Vidyut - FDI in retail is going to drive down global prices, eventually strangling the growth of the small farmer. #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @GVRDon #loksattalive fuel prices would not cause so much anxiety if in parallel we have a plan to develop alternates at lower cost.

As Reply to

Raghava Rohit @GVRDon - @JP_LOKSATTA #loksattalive other nations are having higher petrol and diesel prices, there isn't much uproar but here there is,clarify?

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @arav_m #loksattalive I have no objection to that. However, I am wary of producer-side subsidy, which has already failed badly in India

As Reply to

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @Gubbi agree

As Reply to

Vinuth M. Madinur @Gubbi - @ashwinmahesh #loksattalive Now that FDI is here, we need to have structures in place rather have anarchy and "anything goes" system.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @Gubbi #loksattalive I think that's already the case !! As I said, we need political and economic mgt to go together.

Vinuth M. Madinur @Gubbi - #loksattalive FDI also means entry of big players into farming and land owning. There will be larger farmlands and farmers as employees.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @indirakoneru #loksattalive it can, but not on its own. other steps also needed.

As Reply to

Dr. Indira Koneru @indirakoneru - @JP_LOKSATTA Will it improve quality of life in the rural areas? #LokSattaLive #FDI

Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - @ashwinmahesh Ofcourse, But how can you start engine without ensuring you have fuel? Lokpal first. Then FDI. #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @cloudsaaspaas #loksattalive we must be careful not to fall into cyclical traps. Somewhere we have to begin.

Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - @ashwinmahesh But thats not happening now. So, we must not welcome #fdi in retail now. Thats my point sir. #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @cloudsaaspaas #loksattalive 'before' in unnecessary. 'Together' is good enough.

Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - @ashwinmahesh Then we should bring strong anti corruption laws and other reforms before we bring FDI deform. #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @cloudsaaspaas #loksattalive I don't want to equate governance failure with economic policy argument. That has to be tackled too.

As Reply to

Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - Walmart Captured 50% of Mexico's retail market in 10 years by using corrupt practices and bribing state officials. #loksattalive

Aravind @arav_m - @ashwinmahesh yes, govt shud eliminate subsidies for producers & use cash transfer to pass them on 2 farmers who need support #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @arav_m #loksattalive think of 'urea' subsidy for manufacturers, intended as a benefit to poor farmers

As Reply to

Aravind @arav_m - @ashwinmahesh sir plz let us know what u r referring to when u say producer-side subsidy failed in past. #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @arav_m #loksattalive I have no objection to that. However, I am wary of producer-side subsidy, which has already failed badly in India

Aravind @arav_m - @ashwinmahesh the least govt shud do is help them get easy credit so that they can invest & protect from big farmers/retailers #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @arav_m #loksattalive they could even self-organise. Problem is lack of 'associational relationships'. Mai baap sarkar makes things worse.

Aravind @arav_m - @ashwinmahesh how can small farmer benefit from FDI in retail? enter into contract farming like in case of Pepsico/Punjab? #loksattalive

jai @jai1900 - @ashwinmahesh sir v understand d greatest ex 4 that is singapore but our current policy and law r not conjusive for #FDI due to govt policy

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @jai1900 #loksattalive there is great evidence that countries with trading strengths fare well in the long term. Read 'False Economy'

As Reply to

jai @jai1900 - #loksattalive half of our GDP is going to be exposed to #FDI dont u foresee any danger out of this

Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - @ashwinmahesh But we need to bring Lokpal first, then only #FDI , Do you agree with this or not sir? #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @cloudsaaspaas #loksattalive I see both as making progress. Last week's Parliament committee mtg on Lokap was encouraging.

Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - @ashwinmahesh Ofcourse, But how can you start engine without ensuring you have fuel? Lokpal first. Then FDI. #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @cloudsaaspaas #loksattalive we must be careful not to fall into cyclical traps. Somewhere we have to begin.

Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - @ashwinmahesh But thats not happening now. So, we must not welcome #fdi in retail now. Thats my point sir. #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @cloudsaaspaas #loksattalive 'before' in unnecessary. 'Together' is good enough.

As Reply to

Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - @ashwinmahesh Then we should bring strong anti corruption laws and other reforms before we bring FDI deform. #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @cloudsaaspaas #loksattalive I don't want to equate governance failure with economic policy argument. That has to be tackled too.

Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - Walmart Captured 50% of Mexico's retail market in 10 years by using corrupt practices and bribing state officials. #loksattalive

Nitin Pai @acorn - @ashwinmahesh Well, they are. But I am still not sure whether the online audience actually votes.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @acorn wish more political parties would discuss their views online too :)

As Reply to

Nitin Pai @acorn - @supportloksatta Thanks. Kudos to @jp_loksatta for coming out clearly in favour of the move. #loksattalive

Loksatta Supporter @supportloksatta - @acorn please participate on FDI and Disel price hike policy debate with @jp_loksatta of Loksatta party on twitter now. Use #loksattalive

Nitin Pai @acorn - Now reading Stanislaw Lem's "Solaris" on Kindle. Memories of having read it before.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @GVRDon #loksattalive that risk is always there. Outcomes depend on multiple things happening together. We must be vigilant.

As Reply to

Raghava Rohit @GVRDon - @ashwinmahesh #loksattalive Whatever policies govt has launched there has been no other parallel alternate to support it? agree?

Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - @ashwinmahesh But we need to bring Lokpal first, then only #FDI , Do you agree with this or not sir? #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @cloudsaaspaas #loksattalive I see both as making progress. Last week's Parliament committee mtg on Lokap was encouraging.

Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - @ashwinmahesh Ofcourse, But how can you start engine without ensuring you have fuel? Lokpal first. Then FDI. #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @cloudsaaspaas #loksattalive we must be careful not to fall into cyclical traps. Somewhere we have to begin.

As Reply to

Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - @ashwinmahesh But thats not happening now. So, we must not welcome #fdi in retail now. Thats my point sir. #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @cloudsaaspaas #loksattalive 'before' in unnecessary. 'Together' is good enough.

Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - @ashwinmahesh Then we should bring strong anti corruption laws and other reforms before we bring FDI deform. #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @cloudsaaspaas #loksattalive I don't want to equate governance failure with economic policy argument. That has to be tackled too.

Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - Walmart Captured 50% of Mexico's retail market in 10 years by using corrupt practices and bribing state officials. #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @karancspeaks #loksattalive imp to have a debate between 'producers' and 'consumers' benefiting from diff policies.

As Reply to

Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - @ashwinmahesh But we need to bring Lokpal first, then only #FDI , Do you agree with this or not sir? #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @cloudsaaspaas #loksattalive I see both as making progress. Last week's Parliament committee mtg on Lokap was encouraging.

As Reply to

Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - @ashwinmahesh Ofcourse, But how can you start engine without ensuring you have fuel? Lokpal first. Then FDI. #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @cloudsaaspaas #loksattalive we must be careful not to fall into cyclical traps. Somewhere we have to begin.

Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - @ashwinmahesh But thats not happening now. So, we must not welcome #fdi in retail now. Thats my point sir. #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @cloudsaaspaas #loksattalive 'before' in unnecessary. 'Together' is good enough.

Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - @ashwinmahesh Then we should bring strong anti corruption laws and other reforms before we bring FDI deform. #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @cloudsaaspaas #loksattalive I don't want to equate governance failure with economic policy argument. That has to be tackled too.

Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - Walmart Captured 50% of Mexico's retail market in 10 years by using corrupt practices and bribing state officials. #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @karancspeaks why not? As I said, I recognise the 'self interest' arguments here. We need to navigate both econ and politics.

Karan @karancspeaks - @ashwinmahesh Help in the form of low int. loans fr Indian producers since those investing will avail those in their countries #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @karancspeaks #loksattalive what do you mean by 'level' field for producers?

As Reply to

Karan @karancspeaks - @ashwinmahesh Consumers can be benefited by organised retail. Producers by level playing field. Bring in these first I say #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @karancspeaks #loksattalive imp to have a debate between 'producers' and 'consumers' benefiting from diff policies.

Karan @karancspeaks - What about the manufacturing sectors?? Cheap prods will be bought into this country. Will state help us?who is responsible? #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - #loksattalive - one thing we need to understand is that it is not entirely up to India to decide what to 'allow'. ...contd

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - ... #loksattalive there are various things we need from other countries, we must be prepared to negotiate our way forward with their demands

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - #loksattalive Nation needs political leaders who can manage the economic conversations/negotiations too.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - #loksattalive thank you everyone who participated this evening. Thanks especially to those who disagreed and raised alternate views.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - #loksattalive public conversations are an important part of democracy. Encourage ALL politicians to do same. Loksatta will lead by example !

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @sonaliranade agree. And one more thing ... we now understand that Hyundai too is 'our' manufacturer. Evolution of economic clarity.

As Reply to

SonaliRanade @sonaliranade - Look at the car market. Did introduction of competition help or hinder? We have more cars, Indian car mfgers thrive. #LokSattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @karancspeaks why not? As I said, I recognise the 'self interest' arguments here. We need to navigate both econ and politics.

As Reply to

Karan @karancspeaks - @ashwinmahesh Help in the form of low int. loans fr Indian producers since those investing will avail those in their countries #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @karancspeaks #loksattalive what do you mean by 'level' field for producers?

Karan @karancspeaks - @ashwinmahesh Consumers can be benefited by organised retail. Producers by level playing field. Bring in these first I say #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @karancspeaks #loksattalive imp to have a debate between 'producers' and 'consumers' benefiting from diff policies.

Karan @karancspeaks - What about the manufacturing sectors?? Cheap prods will be bought into this country. Will state help us?who is responsible? #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - #loksattalive ... in politics, not always needed to agree, or 'convince' the others. What is absolutely needed, however, is public debate.

Shuvankar Mukherjee @shuvankr - @ashwinmahesh Very true!

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @shuvankr big scam .... see this URL ... http://www.indiatogether.org/2011/dec/eco-fuel.htm

As Reply to

Shuvankar Mukherjee @shuvankr - @JP_LOKSATTA The very term "Under recovery" is very Utopian; where is under-recovery in the profit & loss of Oil companies? #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - With under recovery of Rs 2,00,000 cr. in oil prices somebody has to pay- consumer or taxpayer. Always better consumer pays. #loksattalive

Monday, September 17, 2012 - 08:04