Lok Satta Setting an Example With Internal Elections

The Lok Satta Party's Independent Election Authority today initiated the party's organizational elections by issuing the notification.

As per the notification, active, life and executive members of the party will elect office-bearers and general council members to party units at the Legislative Assembly constituency, Municipal Corporation, district and State levels. The election process beginning on March 6, 2013 will be over on April 14, 2013.

Nominations for the office State President will be accepted at the office of the Election Authority at Hyderabad between March 18 and 20. Polling for the election will be held in districts on April 5, 6 and 7. Counting of votes and declaration of results will take place on April 10.

Nominations for posts of State office-bearers will be accepted on April 12 and 13. Polling and declaration of results will take place on April 14.

Lok Satta Party national President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan presented CDs of active voters' lists to Mr. K.Satyanarayana and Mr. Padmanabha Reddy, members of the Election Authority, at a media conference here today.

Dr. JP said that the Lok Satta Party would like to set an example to all other parties in democratic functioning. At a time most parties have become the private estates of certain individuals or families, the Lok Satta would like to demonstrate that those with dedication, commitment and integrity can emerge as party leaders without the blessings of any high command. He welcomed Congress Party Vice President Rahul Gandhi's plans to cleanse his party and usher in internal democracy.

Dr. JP said that 50 percent of office-bearers at all levels will comprise SCs, STs, minorities, women and youth. Electronic voting facility will be made available to party members living overseas.

Replying to a question, Dr. JP said that the Lok Satta would not be deterred by the fear that internal elections might bring out differences among party cadres. The party is bent upon ushering in new political culture and there can be no going back on it, he said and recalled that the party has always practiced what it preached. It had contested elections without offering inducements like money, liquor and freebies and stuck to its decision not to enforce bandhs and road blockades. He had consciously decided against contesting for the State President post to create space for new leadership.

Mr. K.Satyanarayana, former Law Secretary and State Election Commission Secretary and Mr. M. Padmanabha Reddy, former IFS officer, said the party elections would be fair and impartial. Parties have become dynastic in the absence of elections.

According to the election notification, election of office-bearers and members of district council at the constituency level will take place during March 28-31. Election of office-bearers and members to the State General Council at the municipal corporation level will take place during April 2-7. Election of State-level office-bearers by members of the State General Council will take place on April 14.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013 - 20:54