Nominations from Mar.18 for Elections in Lok Satta Party

The Independent Election Authority (IEA) of the Lok Satta Party has announced that nominations for all posts in the party from the constituency to the State President level can be filed from March 18 to 20.

For the post of the State party President, nominations can be filed only at the IEA office at the State party headquarters and for all other posts from the constituency to the district level at IEA offices at party offices.

Giving this information here today, Mr. Kaki Madhava Rao, Chairman and Mr. K. Satyanarayana and M. Padmanabha Reddy, members of the Independent Election Authority, said nomination forms, voters' lists etc will be available at party offices and Election Authority offices. They can also be downloaded from website.

The Election Authority has posted the names of the district election officers on the website. The IEA has chosen people not belonging to any political party but who have experience in conducting elections as election officers.

Friday, March 15, 2013 - 17:30