Release input subsidy without linking it to bank accounts: Lok Satta

Denial of input subsidy to victims of last year's drought and Neelam cyclone on the ground they do not have bank accounts merely mirrors Government's incompetence, said the Lok Satta Party.

About 11 lakh of the 30.41 lakh farmers hit by the natural calamities will have to forgo the input subsidy of Rs.10000 per hectare if the Government sticks to its irresponsible stance, said Mr. P. Bhaskara Rao, Convener of the Lok Satta Party's farmers' wing and Mr. Eeda Chennayya, State party Secretary.

The leaders pointed out that the input subsidy can be paid to farmers through crop loan accounts, or crossed cheques or through their cooperative bank accounts. The Government should not link subsidy with the Aadhar since issuance of Aadhar cards is still under way.

The Lok Satta leaders faulted the Government also for its failure to ensure supply of seeds to farmers although the crop season has begun. Farmers waiting in serpentine queues for hours on end for soybean seeds in Medak district exemplifies the problem.

How will a Government which cannot ensure supply of seeds, fertilizers and input subsidy on time help the farmer get a remunerative price for his produce in a free market, they asked.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - 17:24