Don’t fall prey to politicians’ Games, Dr. JP tells youth

Lok Satta Party national President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today appealed to youth in Coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema not to become scapegoats in vote bank games being played by political parties.

Addressing a media conference, Dr. JP referred to the report of a youth committing suicide in the wake of the Delhi decision to carve out Telangana as a separate State and said there is no place for suicides, hatred and enmity in democratic polity.

Dr. JP said all mainstream political parties have used youth as pawns in their political games. As a result, the economy of the State and the brand equity of Hyderabad have suffered enormously. The youth of Coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema should not repeat the mistakes of their counterparts. “Don’t cut your nose to spite your face,” he counseled. Constitution of a new State is not a catastrophe. The drawing of a line on the political map of Andhra Pradesh is not going to make any change in the lives of people. It cannot be compared to the partition of India and Pakistan. Indians, as per the Constitution, can live and work anywhere in the country. The bifurcation of the State is not going to abridge the rights of people of any region.

Dr. JP said the Lok Satta Party welcomed the decision of the UPA and the Congress to respect the long-standing aspirations of Telangana people. The Lok Satta Party has always welcomed the formation of Telangana as part of a comprehensive and amicable solution that protects the interests of all regions.

Dr. JP pointed out that the way Delhi took the decision to form Telangana rather than the decision itself hurt people in other regions, especially in Rayalaseema. Delhi should have associated all the stakeholders in arriving at a decision instead of giving the impression of riding rough shod over them. He hoped that the Union Government from now onwards at least would change its style of functioning in taking the decision forward. The Center will be violating the spirit of the Constitution and harming the federal set-up in the long run if it chooses to ignore the Andhra Pradesh Assembly and imposes its decisions.

Dr. JP underlined the need to draw up special plans for the development of Rayalaseema, north coastal Andhra and backward regions in Telgangana. It should create the climate to attract investments to Hyderabad, which is one of the engines of growth in the country.

Dr. JP said that the capital of the residual Andhra Pradesh should be located in tune with the wishes of the people of coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema after full consultations with them. However, steps should be taken to ensure that development is not confined to the capital as it happened in the case of Hyderabad. Hyderabad has become the political, economic and cultural capital of the State because of excessive focus on it.

Dr. JP welcomed the Delhi decision to confer national status on the Polavaram project and said that it will benefit Rayalaseema and Telangana more than Coastal Andhra. If the Godavari water can be tapped to irrigate the Krishna delta, the Krishna water can be utilized to benefit backward regions in Rayalaseema and Telangana.

Replying to a question, Dr. JP said the Pranahita-Chevella lift irrigation project is totally unviable. The Government can utilize the funds meant for the project to benefit Telangana in better ways.

Dr. JP said that formation of a new State will not bring about any transformation in people’s lives unless district governments – the third tier in the federal setup – are empowered, corruption eliminated, citizens guaranteed the right to Government services and every one ensured quality education, healthcare and employment opportunities.

State Lok Satta Party President Katari Srinivsa Rao, Vice Presidents Bandaru Ramamohana Rao and Secretary Nanidpeta Ravinder took part in the media conference.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013 - 19:26