Round Table to discuss measures for Safeguarding interests of all Telugus

The Foundation for Democratic Reforms (FDR) led by Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan is organizing a Round Table on the measures to be taken for safeguarding the interests of Telugu people and infusing confidence among them in the wake of the Center’s decision to form a separate Telangana State.

The Round Table will take place from 10-00 a.m. on Saturday, August 10 at Jubilee Hall in Public Gardens.

The FDR says that there is no point in blaming each other, resorting to acts of violence and indulging in interminable discussions on past events that fan animosities among Telugus in the wake of the Center’s decision to carve out a separate Telangana State.

“The immediate task before all political parties and the State and Central Governments is initiating specific measures to protect the interests of Telugu people in all the regions.”

Civil society leaders, legal experts, media luminaries, intellectuals and retired top officials with rich administrative experience are taking part in the non-partisan Round Table.

The Round Table will focus on arrangements to be made to ensure a sense of security among lakhs of people who have been living in Hyderabad and become part of it irrespective of the region of the State or nook of the country from which they came. It will discuss how the revenue from Hyderabad city should be shared by the two States and measures to be taken to ensure Hyderabad’s continued growth as a major economic and commercial center in the interests of all Telugu people.

The Round Table will discuss measures to promote economic growth in backward Rayalaseema, which will face the brunt of bifurcation, and other backward areas including north Coastal Andhra.

The Round Table will discuss location of a new capital for the residual State of Andhra Pradesh and precautions to be taken to prevent economic and political centralization in it.

Thursday, August 8, 2013 - 17:27