Vote for Loksatta to transform Economy & politics: Dr.JP

Loksatta Party national President today appealed to people to elect him to the Lok Sabha and help him in his mission to revive the economy wrecked by 10 years of UPA rule, transform the nature of politics and ensure fulfilment of assurances given by the Government of India in the wake of Andhra Pradesh’s bifurcation.

Dr. JP was addressing a gathering of party workers shortly before he filed his nomination papers for contesting to the Lok Sabha from Malkajigiri in Hyderabad. He garlanded the portraits of Mahatma Gandhi and B. R. Ambedkar at the party headquarters before leaving for the office of the Ranga Reddy Collector for filing the nomination.

Dr. JP said that the country would face a bleak future if at least a crore of jobs are not created every year for the next 10 years. While China created one crore jobs a year in the manufacturing sector and became the workshop of the world, not even one lakh jobs were created in the manufacturing sector in India in the last ten years of UPA rule. “We are exporting jobs and enriching China by importing everything ranging from mobile phones to crackers even as Indian youth languished for want of jobs. The day is not far off when we import even our national flags made in China. If God were to appear before me and ask me to name a wish, I will say jobs, jobs and jobs for youth.”

Dr. JP said the present electoral system needed a drastic overhaul since it enables only the moneyed to enter legislatures and denies an opportunity to those with competence, integrity and vision.

Again, in the wake of the bifurcation of united Andhra Pradesh, the Union Government had given a number of assurances based on Loksatta’s road map to ensure a bright future for people of both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Unlike other parties which indulged in double speak and fanned regional animosities in their pursuit of vote banks, the Loksatta fought for an amicable solution and succeeded in wresting a number of assurance from the Government of India. He would ensure that the Government of India honoured all its commitments if elected to the Lok Sabha.

Dr. JP recalled that the Loksatta both as a movement and political party has been the driving force behind a number of reforms although it does not have a single member in Parliament. The reforms relate to voter enrolment, disclosure of criminal antecedents of contestants in elections, curbs on defection of legislators, a ceiling on the size of ministries, and disclosure of election expenditure by parties and candidates and political donations. The Lok Satta is largely responsible for the launching of the National Rural Health Mission, enactment of laws on right to information, establishment of village courts and autonomy for cooperatives, and lifting of the ban on food grain exports. Its initiatives on judicial appointments, amendments to the anti corruption law and guaranteeing services to citizens are all in the pipeline. The Lokpal Act enacted by Parliament is on the lines suggested by the Loksatta.

The Loksatta could achieve so much in so short a time because it enjoyed credibility among leaders cutting across party lines. If elected to the Loksatta he would fight with redoubled vigour for changing the very grammar of politics and ensuring a bright future for all Indians. He pledged to fight for a per capita grant of Rs.1000 to every village panchayat and ward in urban areas in the entire country so that local elected officials can address people’s needs without depending on the mercy of MLAs, MPs and Ministers. He pointed out that as an MLA from Kukatpally he could get works worth a record Rs.1550 crore launched in his constituency.

Dr. JP underlined that he had taken a pledge early in life to devote all his energy and talent for bright a future for the country and never strayed from it as an IAS officer or founder of the Loksatta movement and the Loksatta Party. If given an opportunity as a Member of Parliament, he would devote the last stage of his active life to ensure a bright future for all Indians. “I had never urged even my mother to serve me food; but I am seeking your votes now so that I can be your voice in Parliament.”

Earlier, Lok Satta Party State President Katari Srinivasa Rao said that electing Dr. JP to the Lok Sabha is a historic necessity at the present juncture of the country’s development. Movie director S. S. Rajamouli pointed out that Dr. JP who lent dignity to Assembly proceedings will earn recognition and reputation for Telugu speaking people. Mr. Bandaru Ramamohan Rao, Convener of the party’s Telangana Coordination Committee, spoke.

Party workers lustily cheered Dr. JP with claps, whistles and slogans as he made his impassionate speech.

Monday, April 7, 2014 - 17:18