Dr.JP Rates First Year Of Modi Government; On AAP Government spat with bureaucracy

In a statement issued to media today, Loksatta party founder, Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan reviewed the performance of first year of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Government.

"The government was elected for five years. It is too early to judge. Real change takes time & perseverance. Modi's one year does give us pointers. The record is mixed. Three areas are crucial: growth agenda; flagship programs and delivery reform.

Modi gets A in economic management. Fiscal and monetary policies, infrastructure, energy sectors - record is impressive given the hurdles.

Swachh Bharat, Smart Cities etc - the government gets B grade. Ideas are good, but poorly designed & executed. A slogan, acronym and PR campaign not enough.

Real change in education, healthcare, local empowerment, police reform, speedy justice and service delivery - government gets C. I see almost no effort at all in these critical areas.

We cannot get miracles in one year in a vast, complex, dysfunctional state. But proper design and real reform in delivery are vital"

Referring to the ongoing spat of AAP & Arvind Kejriwal's with Delhi bureaucracy and said "Only a bad workman complains against his tools. What next? People are bad?"

"Winning elections is not the same as delivering results. We have perfection of means & confusion of ends! Power game is all consuming.

Deep understanding of institutions & agenda for reform to reorder incentives are tasks of elected leaders; not media frenzy & alibis"

Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - 18:48