Media News Archive

Exclude bureaucrats, MLAs, MPs, rich from reservations: JP

The ongoing agitation by ‘Gujarat Patels’ for the status of ‘Other Backward Castes’ should lay the ground for a nation-wide comprehensive discussion on rationalisation of reservations, said Lok Satta Party founder president Jayaprakash Narayan.

The issue needed a creative response and not confrontation. The time had come to reform reservations and a fair system of reservatison that would positively impact the lives of all was needed, he said in a statement here on Wednesday.

Dr.JP said that reservation benefits reached only those privileged few who were well educated and countless poor among SCs and OBCs were struggling for opportunities. On the other hand, the poor and despondent among OCs developed hatred towards those garnering reservations. Except those well-to-do sections who were enjoying reservation benefits, others feel they had been given a raw deal by successive governments. The crisis could only be resolved by making some changes in the reservation policy, he said.

Proposing some changes, Dr.JP said IAS, IPS and other officers, MLAs, MPs, doctors and the rich should be removed from the purview of reservations to give the benefit to the eligible poor.

For the poor students among OCs if their parents were not literate, then such students should be given additional marks to compete with other students, facilities be put in place so that no merit and talented poor student was deprived of access to higher studies due to poverty and a system be evolved to provide guaranteed quality school education, he said.

The Lok Satta leader said that with the above proposals the reservations could be brought down gradually and in 25 years, one could do away with reservations. B. R. Ambedkar hoped that rulers would provide quality education to all without any discrimination and create a system which did not require reservations.

But the political system in the country had failed to provide proper education and perpetuated poverty and used reservations to divide people and garner votes, he said.

Courtesy: The Hindu

Friday, August 28, 2015 - 18:26

Exclude bureaucrats, MLAs, MPs, rich from reservations: JP

The ongoing agitation by ‘Gujarat Patels’ for the status of ‘Other Backward Castes’ should lay the ground for a nation-wide comprehensive discussion on rationalisation of reservations, said Lok Satta Party founder president Jayaprakash Narayan.

The issue needed a creative response and not confrontation. The time had come to reform reservations and a fair system of reservatison that would positively impact the lives of all was needed, he said in a statement here on Wednesday.

Dr.JP said that reservation benefits reached only those privileged few who were well educated and countless poor among SCs and OBCs were struggling for opportunities. On the other hand, the poor and despondent among OCs developed hatred towards those garnering reservations. Except those well-to-do sections who were enjoying reservation benefits, others feel they had been given a raw deal by successive governments. The crisis could only be resolved by making some changes in the reservation policy, he said.

Proposing some changes, Dr.JP said IAS, IPS and other officers, MLAs, MPs, doctors and the rich should be removed from the purview of reservations to give the benefit to the eligible poor.

For the poor students among OCs if their parents were not literate, then such students should be given additional marks to compete with other students, facilities be put in place so that no merit and talented poor student was deprived of access to higher studies due to poverty and a system be evolved to provide guaranteed quality school education, he said.

The Lok Satta leader said that with the above proposals the reservations could be brought down gradually and in 25 years, one could do away with reservations. B. R. Ambedkar hoped that rulers would provide quality education to all without any discrimination and create a system which did not require reservations.

But the political system in the country had failed to provide proper education and perpetuated poverty and used reservations to divide people and garner votes, he said.

Courtesy: The Hindu

Friday, August 28, 2015 - 18:26

Pattiseema lift scheme of no use, says JP

He urges State to expedite Polavaram project

Lok Satta Party national president Jayaprakash Narayan has asked Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu to expedite Polavaram project and complete it in 3 years. At the same time he said there was absolutely no use of taking up Pattiseema Lift Irrigation Scheme (PLIS).

Addressing a media conference here on Monday, Dr. Jayaprakash said there would be waste of public money if Pattisesma project was taken up as tapping the flood waters above 14 feet is not possible in present circumstances due to various reasons including augmentation of water, rainfall, land acquisition and other factors.

He asked why the State government was not kick starting works of Polavaram project which is the only source to interlinking Krishna and Godavari, to irrigate uplands and drought hit region of Rayalaseema and to stabilise Godavari and Krishna delta and also to provide drinking water to Visakhapatnam.

Speaking on the special status, the former IAS officer said the State would be badly affected if the revenue deficit was not compensated by the Centre and alleged that Mr Naidu is not asking the Centre to give waivers to industries going to be set up in the State. However, Mr. Narayan welcomed the land pooling system which is being implemented by the State government in connection with the new capital. He did not find any wrong in applying the land acquisition act in connection with the new capital and state government has full powers to acquire land from farmers if the land is really important for building the new capital. He commented that no state or country could be developed without acquiring land and opposing the land acquisition is very dangerous development for the country.

On ragging issue, he made it clear that the present acts passed by the State government in past are enough and there is no necessity of bringing new act on the lines of Nirbhaya act as told by HRD Minister Ganta Srinivasa Rao.

Courtesy: The Hindu

Tuesday, August 25, 2015 - 21:32
