Loksatta's Unique Protest With Zero Rupee Notes Against Cash For Vote Scam in Hyderabad

The Cash-For-Vote scam is yet another sad reminded of the sorry state of politics in the two new states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Not only the political parties are indulging in deplorable actions during elections, they continue the vote buying and divisive brand of politics even after elections.

Loksatta party strongly condemned the parties involved in Cash-for-Vote scam from Day 1, demanding Mr. Naidu to answer if it is indeed his voice and if it is not fabricated, he must resign. We also demanded Mr. KCR to explain how TRS now has 77 MLAs when they won only 63 seats in last election.

Intensifying our protest against more than 500 Loksatta members sat on a dharna today at Indira Park Hyderabad demanding answers from Telgu Desam and TRS party. To create public awareness about the obscene nature of money politics, we held public demonstration by distributing ZERO RUPEE Notes (With a pledge to NOT GIVE OR TAKE BRIBE).

Loksatta Party Greater Hyderabad President Dosapaty Ramu addressing the gathering said 'Voters are forced to choose between the lesser of the evils and these incidents prove that lesser evil is still EVIL. Parties are focused on growing their own seats and personal property and not interested in working towards creating jobs for youth or even making our cities safe and clean. Voters are sick of jump jilani MLAs that care for themselves and not for their assembly constituency that sent them to Legislature'.  Mr. Sambi Reddy, Secretary of LSP Hyderabad said that 'Loksatta will take this message to every single person in Hyderabad and Loksatta will strengthen as a viable platform for everyone keen to see real change in politics'.

Loksatta Party Telangana State leaders, and Hyderabad city unit and constituency leaders from all across the city participated with great enthusiasm and pledged to continue this fight until justice is done and all concerned individuals are prosecuted in a free and fair investigation.

Saturday, June 13, 2015 - 19:32