Lok Satta wants all suspicious deals annulled

The Lok Satta Party today welcomed the Government directive to AP Mining Development Corporation to cancel the lease agreement with Rakashana Steels on iron ore mines spread over 1.41 lakh acres in Khammam and Warangal districts.

Lok Satta Party leaders D. V. V. S. Varma and P. Bhaskara Rao said in a media statement said the agreement was flawed on many counts including lease of areas in Scheduled areas to ineligible entities.

The Lok Satta leaders said that those in the Government and its undertakings over the years have arbitrarily allocated precious natural resources like land, minerals and sand to their relatives and cronies. All suspect deals like Vanpic and Lepakshi should be revoked and precious natural resources allocated through international competitive bidding. The resources should be allocated judiciously considering the interests of future generations. Windfall profits arising out of allocation of public resources to private entities should be taxed.

On the by-elections scheduled for June 12, the Lok Satta leaders appealed to voters to vote in favor of good candidates without succumbing to inducements like money being offered by traditional parties.

Mr. Varma and Mr. Bhaskara Rao congratulated people of Sitaramapuram village in Payakaraopet constituency on turning away politicians who came to buy their votes.

Monday, June 11, 2012 - 18:37