Lok Satta the real victor in elections: Dr. JP

Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan said that the party would be taking a number of citizen centric initiatives, whatever be the outcome of the current elections. “The Lok Satta is the real victor in the current elections in that it has earned the silent support of lakhs of youth, women, middle classes, and sections of the poor without inducing voters with money and liquor anywhere in the State. The party has emerged stronger with its credibility enhanced in the elections.”

Addressing a meeting of some of the party contestants and campaign organizers, Dr. JP said that what the Lok Satta has achieved is nothing short of a miracle because even the so-called top leaders of all the traditional parties and the new parties had to buy votes even in their own constituencies.

Asking party leaders and cadres not to be disappointed at the electoral outcome in terms of numbers, he said “Let us not snatch defeat from the jaws of victory”.

“We have truly laid the foundation for transforming the nature of politics in the entire country,” Dr. JP said adding that it was a job which could not be accomplished overnight.

Dr. JP said that the party should not lose time in consolidating the large support base it had acquired in the elections. Tens of thousands of youth had come on their own to campaign for the party and act as polling and booth agents. The party proposed to open citizen service centers all over the State to serve as a bridge between people and the Government. The service centers would also serve as counseling centers for the unemployed youth and try to provide livelihood opportunities to them depending on their skills.

The youth would be associated with the running of the centers. The party workers would also select a village in every mandal and try to address some problem concerning health or education plaguing the village with the cooperation of the local people.

Dr. JP announced that the party would wage an all-out war against the illegal belt shops (unauthorized liquor outlets). It would help people get themselves registered as voters and get errors in voters’ lists corrected.

Dr. JP said that the party would ruthlessly take action against all those who harmed party interests in the recent elections by their acts of omission and commission.

The Lok Satta Party, he said, has a formidable base in urban areas. It would leverage its significant presence in Greater Hyderabad by contesting in the municipal corporation elections and spread its influence all over the State.

“There is enormous reservoir of goodwill in villages. We need to convert this into political strength.” Dr. JP categorically stated that millions of people have great hopes and expectations from the Lok Satta Party. “We shall never, let them down. The Lok Satta Party shall always be a part of the solution, and will never be a part of a problem. We shall maintain high ethical standards, restore public confidence in politics and put the nation above the party at all times”.

Monday, April 27, 2009 - 17:30