Lok Satta refutes charge against Mrs. Pratibha Rao

The Lok Satta Party said in a statement today that its Jubilee Hills Assembly constituency candidate Mrs. G. Pratibha Rao did not give her PAN in the affidavit as she was not expected to.

The party clarified that only those who have over-dues to public financial institutions or dues to the Government have to give their PANs.

The party took strong exception to the inference drawn by the National Election Watch that those who did not give their PAN might not have paid their wealth tax or income tax in full.

Mrs. Pratibha Rao has been a regular income tax assessee and her PAN is ACGPG1914P.

“The Election Watch inference, as quoted in certain reports, is unwarranted and malicious and intended to tarnish Mrs. Pratibha Rao’s reputation and damage her electoral prospects in the Jubilee Hills constituency.”

Monday, April 13, 2009 - 20:28