Lok Satta polls 6% votes in Bengaluru elections
The Lok Satta Party polled six percent of votes in the five divisions it contested in the Bengaluru Municipal Corporation elections held on March 28.
Mr. Katari Srinivasa Rao, party spokesperson, said in a statement that the party polled 15 percent of votes in the Vasantanagara division from which the prospective BJP mayoral candidate contested. The Lok Satta polled more votes than the Janata Dal (S) in two divisions.
Mr. Srinivasa Rao described the outcome as significant in that the Lok Satta made its maiden attempt without offering any inducements to voters like other parties. He said that the Lok Satta would take its message to all areas in Karnataka with redoubled vigor in the coming months.
Monday, April 5, 2010 - 17:28