Lok Satta Party team to meet Arvind Kejriwal on Jan. 11

Lok Satta Party leaders led by Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan, its national President, will be meeting Aam Aadmi founder and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in New Delhi on January 11 and discuss how they can work together and spread alternative politics all over the country.

Addressing media on the occasion of a large number of Muslim youth joining the Lok Satta Party, Dr. JP said his party had worked for the success of AAP in Delhi. It sent its volunteers and mobilized funds in India and abroad for the AAP campaign. Thanks to the campaign launched by the Lok Satta movement for the last 17 years and the Lok Satta Party for the last 7 years, people who hitherto shunned politics and elections now deem exercising their franchise as a matter of pride. As a result, the unthinkable has happened in Delhi with the people of Delhi reposing faith in AAP and enabling it to form Government.

Promoting clean politics and ridding the country of corruption and dynastic rule is the need of the hour, said Dr. JP and added that all people should join hands in the mission. There are persons of great personal integrity like Manik Sarkar, Mamata Banerjee, Manohar Parikkar and N. Rangaswamy even in traditional parties. All such people should join hands now since Delhi has demonstrated that change can be ushered in a few months and not years or decades.

In reply to a question, Dr. JP said the Lok Satta Party as of now planned to contest all the 294 seats in the Andhra Pradesh Assembly.

Dr. JP said that a Government is expected to ensure quality education, livelihood opportunities, safety and security and rule of law. In this connection, he touched upon the arrest of Lok Satta activists including him on the night of January 4 when they planned a siege of Zabbar Travels demanding just compensation to 45 people who were burnt to death in a road accident two months ago. He said that the corrupt Government remained a mute spectator even as 50 people are dying daily in road accidents in the State.

Dr. JP warned Zabbar Travels, the operator and Diwakar Travels, the bus owner, that they would not allow them to run services unless they ensured adequate compensation to the next of kin of the deceased. If they do not respond in the next few days, the Lok Satta will not allow even other private operators to run services although it might inconvenience people during the festive season.

Lok Satta Party State President Katari Srinivasa Rao asked people to boycott Zabbar and Diwakar Travels’ services as the Lok Satta would carry out lightning action against them in the next few days. He exuded confidence that the Lok Satta would assume power in the State because of the winds of change blowing all over.

The Muslim youth who joined the Lok Satta were led by Zilani, Khaja and Mouzam.

Lok Satta Party leaders Ravi Maruth, Dosapati Ramu, Satteyya and Sambi Reddy took part in the media conference.

Sunday, January 5, 2014 - 19:09