Lok Satta National Summit Calls for United Surajya Movement

The first national leadership summit of the Lok Satta Party has called upon all forces, organizations and individuals to join hands in launching a national movement for good governance (Surajya).

The movement aims at eradication of corruption, decentralization of power, cleansing of poverty perpetuating politics, provision of education and healthcare as a right to citizens, introduction of proportional representation system and promotion of internal party democracy.

The national leadership summit held in Hyderabad on September 1 and 2 was attended by 45 leaders drawn from seven States and the People for Lok Satta based in foreign countries.

The summit elected Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan national President of the party and a national Steering Committee comprising Messrs Surendra Srivastava (Maharashtra), Aswin Mahesh (Karnataka), Abhjit Mehta (Mumbai), Mustan Tambawala (Mumbai) Anurag Kejriwal (Delhi) and MBNVV Prasad (Treasurer). The summit decided to elect a General Council comprising two representatives from each State and the People for Lok Satta.

Briefing media on the resolutions adopted by the summit, Dr. JP recalled that innumerable individuals and organizations have embraced the agenda outlined by the Lok Satta movement 16 years ago. It is time that eminent Indians like Aruna Roy of National Campaign for Peoples' Right to Information, Anna Hazare of India Against Corruption, Govindacharya of Save Democracy Front and others belonging to Navabharat and other organizations should all join hands to lead the second freedom struggle. Since there is agreement among all such leaders on basic issues like eradication of corruption, decentralization of power and electoral and political reforms, they should come together to herald a better India for the next generation.

Dr. JP made it clear that the Lok Satta is prepared to take the initiative for launching the united movement setting aside its flag and name. The need of the hour is united leadership and a common agenda. It will be a historical blunder if leaders magnify their minor differences and plough their lonely furrows. “No sacrifice is too great and no burden is too heavy in the quest for fulfilling the potential of all Indians” he said.

Dr. JP disclosed that the Lok Satta is communicating its views to the Parliamentary Committee on constitution of Lokpal, Lokayuktas and Ombudsmen on September 6. In order to present a united approach before Parliament, Lok Satta is inviting leaders of other movements to join the delegation. Its initiatives for a national judicial commission, Indian judicial service and citizens' charter are being considered by the Union Government.

In reply to a question, Dr. JP reiterated his suggestion that a windfall profits tax be imposed on those who benefit from coal mine allocations in the past and that mines be allocated hereafter through open auction.

Lok Satta Party Tamil Nadu unit President Jagadeeswaran, leaders Senthil Armugam and Siva Ilango, Karnataka unit President Mrs. Ramalakshmi, and Delhi President Anurag Kejriwal took part in the media meet.

Monday, September 3, 2012 - 18:40