Lok Satta feels vindicated on Deletion of Section 14 (F)
The Lok Satta Party today welcomed deletion of Section 14 (F) from the Presidential Order of 1975 concerning recruitment of police personnel in Hyderabad.
The Union Government took the correct decision although belatedly, said Lok Satta Party leaders Katari Srinivasa Rao and P. Bhaskara Rao in a media statement.
They recalled that the Assembly requested the Union Government to delete the section at the initiative of Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan. He was the first to bat for deletion of the section at an all-party meeting on October 19, 2009. He followed it up by raising the issue with the Speaker and holding talks with other parties. The Assembly finally adopted the resolution on March 18, 2010. Dr. JP wrote to the Prime Minister on August 4, 2011 underlining the urgency for the removal of the section.
Following the deletion of the section, Hyderabad would form part of Zone 6 for police recruitment.
Warning against whipping up regional feelings in the wake of the deletion of the section, the Lok Satta leaders pointed out that police recruitments in Hyderabad took place as per the zonalization scheme during 2001-08 and it caused no hardship to people of any region.
Congratulating all parties and people’s representatives on working together for deletion of the section, the Lok Satta leaders hoped that all problems could be resolved if people display a give and take attitude.