Lok Satta Constitutes Committee to Review the Membership

Lok Satta constituted an empowered committee to review the membership enrollment process and improve the system and correct the errors. The committee comprises of the following members:

1. Sri M Padmanabha Reddy, IFS (Retd), Member Lok Satta’s Independent Election Authority
2. Sri M Rambabu, IAS (Retd)
3. Sri P Kodandarama Rao, Chairman, Lok Satta’s Disciplinary Committee

Their terms of reference are as follows:

1. To identify the errors in member enrollment and voter registration, and to suggest remedial measure

2. To suggest improvements in member enrollment and voter rolls preparation, with adequate safeguards to eliminate / minimize errors.

3. To refer to the party’s disciplinary committee cases, if any, in which any member has acted in a deliberate and malafide manner in member enrollment; these will be based on specific complaints and evidence, and there will be no fishing expedition.

Regarding errors or mistakes, L.S. party members may submit their representation to the committee with evidence on or before 20th Jun 2013 to the below mentioned address.

H.No.6-1-69, Flat No.204,
G.K.R. Mansion
Saifabad, Lakdikapool
Hyderabad - 500 004
Ph : 040-23230334
Email id: lsp.mem.rvw.cmtt@gmail.com

Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - 14:56