Let us save State from politics of Liquor and caste: Lok Satta

The Lok Satta Party today appealed to people, especially youth, to gird up their loins for saving the State from the politics of liquor and caste.

The party observed Mahatma Gandhi's death anniversary at its headquarters with leaders garlanding his portrait.

Addressing a gathering, State Lok Satta Party Secretary P. Bhaskara Rao said that while Mahatma Gandhi sacrificed his life for preserving Hindu-Muslim unity, political parties which claim to be his descendants and others proclaiming adherence to his values are today engaged in fomenting communal and caste rivalries and using liquor as a means to retain or come into power. Desecration and destruction of statues of leaders like Dr. B. R. Ambedkar are part of this game, which results in perpetuation of poverty.

Party leaders L. V. Ramaraju, D. Lakshmi, G. Bhavani and Jeevanalatha were among the participants.

Monday, January 30, 2012 - 18:34