Lack of proper policy impacting health care: JP

Government doctors being overburdened, he says

Visakhapatnam: Notwithstanding the rapid strides in medicine over the years, the quality of health care is discouraging despite government doctors putting in their best efforts. This is due to lack of a viable health care delivery system in the country, said Dr. N. Jayaprakash Narayan, founder of Lok Satta Party.

Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan, who was a medical doctor by profession, before he became an IAS Officer and later founded the LSP, participated as chief guest at the 95th annual day of Andhra Medical College here on Monday.

Addressing students and teachers, Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan expressed concern that India was losing 1.2 million children below the age of five years every year to various treatable diseases. The unfortunate death of infants in Gorakhpur was not just an isolated case and the situation was no better in government hospitals all over the country. “We do not have a viable health care system to protect children despite having the best doctors. The cost being spent by the government per bed a year was ? 7 lakh to ? 8 lakh a year as against around ? 50 lakh being spent by private hospitals.” “The government doctors are being overburdened as the number of patients was much more than the sanctioned strength. Many government doctors were turning out four to five times value of what they were being paid by the government”.

Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan said there were some fantastic remedies for many illnesses in the traditional Indian system of medicine. He, however, said their efficacy should be validated and applied.

Director of Visakha Institute of Medical Sciences (VIMS) Satyavara Prasad, and AMC principal PV Sudhakar, were present.

Courtesy: The Hindu

Tuesday, November 21, 2017 - 17:53