JP to students: Create a casteless society

Lok Satta Party founder Jayaprakash Narayan has called upon students to shun casteism and the bias associated with it to eradicate social inequalities. Speaking on the `Role of Youth in Nation Building’ at a seminar on `Empowerment of Youth - Preparing for Future’ held at Siddhartha Auditorium in PB Siddhartha College of Arts and Science on Friday, JP said that it was unfortunate that casteism was rampant in Vijayawada, the political nerve centre of the State which is hampering the growth of society. 
“We have lacked a sense, unity and vision for the economic growth of our nation. If we have a vision, direction and commitment, we can accelerate the development process. It is everyone’s responsibility to strive for creation of a casteless society that promotes communal harmony and growth,’’ he said.Referring to the recent happenings in the country from the gang rape of a septuagenarian nun in West Bengal to the death of an IAS officer under suspicious circumstances in Bengaluru, he said it was the responsibility of the government to provide adequate protection to people in a democracy.  
“If the government fails to create an atmosphere where people can live without any fear, it is totally inefficient. People are slowly losing faith in the government as it is not acting swiftly in punishing the perpetrator of an atrocity and preventing its recurrence. The laxity on the part of the government in effective enforcement of laws to prevent atrocities against women is emboldening the anti-social elements,” he said.        
Speaking about the country’s education system, JP noted that according to a survey, India stood 73rd among 74 nations in basic education for children and rational thinking. The rapid decline in educational standards in both government schools and private institutions was highlighted in the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER-2014) of Pratham, an NGO, which revealed that about 50 per cent of fifth class students in Andhra Pradesh are not able to read the second class Telugu textbooks.
It is a matter of serious concern and the government has to be blamed for the poor state of affairs as it is neglecting the development of educational institutions,’’ the LSP founder said. Popular Tamil poet TA Venkateswaran and others spoke at the valedictory of the national seminar organised by the Department of Commerce and Business Administration of Siddhartha College, in association with Youth-led Development Programme (YDP), Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports.

Courtesy: The Hans India

Saturday, March 21, 2015 - 15:06