The much-awaited conference on ‘Rule of Law’ was flagged off today with its impressive inaugural session. The inaugural session was attended by Shri M.N. Venkatachaliah, former Chief Justice of India, Shri. D.V. Subba Rao, former governor of RBI, Dr. Jayaprakash Narayana, former IAS and founder of Lok Satta movement, Prof. B. Rajasekhar, pro-vice chancellor of Hyderabad Central University, Prof. Ashwini Chhattre, Director of Bharathi Institute of Public Policy of Indiana School of Business.
Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan started that Rule of Law was chosen as the theme for the conference with great optimism. A rational and pragmatic solution for the challenges plaguing the Indian judicial system can be found, and for that citizens must strive to be a part of the solution, and not a part of the problem. The aim of the conference is to bring together all stakeholders to find workable solutions and recognize that the striving for the impossible best is the enemy of the possible good.
Justice Venkatachaliah stated that looking at the arrears in courts points to deeper malaise in the country and such miscarriage of justice is not witnessed in advanced countries. He also added that approximately Rs. 2 lakh crores of equivalent is lost in the judicial process as wasteful man hours. Another important point he made was that many courts have less clarity on laws and statutes.
Dr. Subba Rao congratulated Foundation for Democratic Reforms for bringing out Advocacy paper 'Rule of Law' in the public discussion. He laid the context of how economic progress and Rule of law is interconnected and the former is only possible with the support of the later. He gave the example of how Singapore, Japan, Korea became prosperous in the last century. The speaker emphasizes that rule of law is a prerequisite for economic growth in any country. The speaker pointed out numerous incidents in which we encounter absence of rule of law.
Prof. Rajasekhar supported Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan’s point regarding the need to find optimistic, pragmatic, and practical solutions, and the need to focus on the practical aspect as the impossible best is often the enemy of the possible good that can be done.
Professor Chhatre started by congratulating Indian Democracy at Work for creating a common platform which will host more than 60 distinguished speakers over a period of week on the theme of 'Rule of Law' in India. He also stated that despite the conference being held virtually, it didn’t hold us back in terms of energy and enthusiasm to participate in this conference. He also extended thanks to all the panels and participants.