Dr.JP Taking Part in Nanded Cotton Growers' Conference

Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan is taking part in a conference of cotton growers at Nanded in Maharahstra on Thursday, August 30.

The Nanded unit of Shetkari Sanghatana is organizing the conference which will discuss production of quality cotton seeds and extension of technical know-how to farmers. Representatives of companies which have evolved new cotton varieties will be honored.

Mr. Sharad Joshi, founder of Shetkari Sanghatan and former MP, will preside.

Among those who will take part in the conference are Shetkari Sanghatan leaders Ravi Devang, Gunwant Patil and Shailaja Pande and Lok Satta Khammam district leader Dr. Raghavulu.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012 - 17:09