Dr. JP faults Congress for treating state bifurcation as a party issue

Lok Satta Party national President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan today took strong exception to the Congress Party viewing Andhra Pradesh bifurcation as a party problem and appointing a committee headed by Defense Minister A. K. Antony to hear grievances of Seemandhra people.

“Andhra Pradesh is not a vassal of the Congress Party,” he fumed at a media conference and asked, “How do you expect other parties to make a formal representation to a committee formed by the Congress.“

Dr. JP said it was strange that neither the Prime Minister nor the Union Home Minister uttered a single word even as parts of Andhra Pradesh are burning.

Having concluded that its days in Coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema are numbered, the Congress Party decided to abruptly announce the division of the State without preparing ground for amicable separation solely with an eye on short-term electoral gains. It stands as an accused in the history of the country by playing cynical politics and promoting hatred and animosities among people. When it is rewriting the history of the State, the ruling party ought to have taken every stakeholder into confidence, built a consensus and come out with an amicable and comprehensive solution.

Dr, JP pointedly asked why the demand for formation of Telangana was not discussed at all in the Assembly and an attempt made to work out a solution acceptable to all. At least now, there should be an honest and earnest effort to inspire confidence in all Telugu-speaking people about their future.

Dr. JP appealed to people not to become pawns in politicians’ selfish games and ruin their lives. They should not resort to bandhs, road blockades and strikes, vandalize statues, indulge in violence and spew venom against each other. Any such acts will merely reinforce the impression among investors that Andhra Pradesh is not fit for infusion of capital in projects. It will burt job creation and undermine the future of lakhs of youth.

“I humbly appeal to Government employees in Seemandhra not to go on strike on State bifurcation. They will be harming the interests of the very people in whose name they are planning to go on strike. A strike by Government employees will not hurt the moneyed or the influential but only common people.” The employees have every right to express their views peacefully and safeguard their service interests but not inconvenience people.

Dr. JP recalled that the agitation for a separate Telngana State in the last few years had disrupted people’s lives and derailed economic growth. Let not history repeat itself in Coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema, he counseled.

Dr. JP said the Foundation for Democratic Reforms and Lok Satta movement are organizing a non-partisan Round Table of intellectuals, legal experts, civil society leaders and media heads at Jubilee Hall in Hyderabad on August 10 to find solutions to problems arising in the wake of the Center’s decision to carve out Telangana. They include ensuring a sense of security to people of all regions in Hyderabad, sharing of revenue from Hyderabad city by the two States, ensuring continued growth of Hyderabad as a powerful economic magnet and rendering justice to backward Rayalaseema and other regions. The Round Table will discuss how people can be served through decentralization of power, eradication of corruption and provision of services as a right.

The Lok Satta believes that practical, acceptable solutions can be found to protect the interests of all regions, provided there are good will, restraint and spirit of accommodation.

Dr. JP said that the Lok Satta Party is in touch with a number of political parties and civil society organizations on finding solutions to problems thrown up by the Center’s decision.

He declined to comment on the demands for making Hyderabad as a Union Territory, Hyderabad as the second capital of the country and moves for formation of a Rayala Telangana. “Several ideas are floating around. All must sit together and find acceptable, effective arrangements,” he added.

State Lok Satta Party Vice President D. V. V. S. Varma took part in the media meet.

Friday, August 9, 2013 - 18:22