Dr. JP asks youth to jump on to Lok Satta Party platform

There is no better platform than the Lok Satta Party for transforming the country, Lok Satta Party national President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan told the youth here today.

Welcoming into the party fold a number of youth led by Yenganti Harshraj from Musheerabad constituency, Dr. JP said that the youth who constitute 70 percent of the country’s population and 50 percent of voters can transform the current crisis-ridden politics.

Whatever might be their competence and credentials youth cannot come up in traditional political parties because they have become the pocket boroughs of some families. Their sole objective is coming to power at any cost. As a result, the country has been going through a deep crisis.

In contrast, one need not be the son of a politician or the daughter of a wealthy person to shine in the Lok Satta Party. Its functioning is totally democratic.

Dr. JP counseled youth to transcend religion and caste, region and language and work together as Indians for transforming politics and society. It was the disunity among Indians that brought the country under foreign rule in the past, he recalled.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012 - 18:52