Dr.Jayaprakash Narayan's Chat On Twitter

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - Join me, @ashwinmahesh & @SurendraLSP 6-7pm today for a chat on FDI and related topics. Use hashtag #loksattalive http://bit.ly/Qdimqr

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive It does not matter if the cat is black or white; it should catch mice. all we need to do is to protect our interests.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive all procurement must be only from indian sources. then our producers benefit.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive limiting to select big cities protects small traders. 75% of trade will remain with small traders in a fast going market.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive Even Indian companies want FDI. If the bring in capital, management & technology, they should be welcome

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive Key challenge is backward integration, quality, grading, transport, storage & processing.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive Real benefit is in stimulating post harvest technology.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive It stabilizes prices, creates jobs and adds value and eliminates waste.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @ashwinmahesh Fiscal prudence has to be across the board. It cannot be knee jerk reaction.

As Reply to

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - The 'fiscal prudence' argument only makes sense if prudence is generally woven into many other decisions also. Else, just a vacuous claim.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive But failure to act in one area is no ground for inaction else where.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive if our credit rating is lowered because of inaction interest burden will go up instantly. we have to act now.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @balajiworld @ashwinmahesh Clearly we have to build safegaurds based on past experience to prevent tax evasion.

As Reply to

Balaji @balajiworld - @ashwinmahesh @JP_LOKSATTA less than 100% FDI helps crooked indian bizmen. Essar/Unitech vs Vodafone/Telenor. your thoughts? #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - Join me, JP and Surendra Srivastava this evening from 6-7 for a live debate on twitter, as we look at the recent... http://fb.me/1jctwyuOe

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive FDI also reduces current account deficit. Rupee now is under pressure and trade deficit is 4.4% of GDP.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive FDI, FII & remittances are vital to bridge gap in short term. FII brings hot money. FDI is safer and brings jobs & growth.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @rubenmasc It's d old argument of private vs public sector. Let govt do its job first. In any case, there's no bar on govt investment. #fdi

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Prashen Kyawal @prashen - @ashwinmahesh @arav_m saying this since ages

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @arav_m #loksattalive notice how when they raise prices, they don't adjust tax rates? They can easily keep the tax as a number, not a %age.

Sanjay Jhunjhunwala @PollTics - @JP_LOKSATTA #loksattalive increasing taxes without ensuring that the tax money is spent judiciously is a recipe for disaster.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @abdulazeez1984 Our Tax-GDP ratio is still low. We need taxes to run Govt. There can be some tweaking, but not much. #loksattalive #FDI

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Abdul Azeez Shaik @abdulazeez1984 - @JP_LOKSATTA What is your view on high ATF prices and high taxes on petrol,diesel? #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive if our credit rating is lowered because of inaction interest burden will go up instantly. we have to act now.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @abdulazeez1984 #loksattalive have been advising JnNURM on this. Second version likely to be more sensible than first.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @abdulazeez1984 Absolutely. Subsidizing private consumption is no answer. Public transport and conservation are vital. #loksattalive #FDI

Abdul Azeez Shaik @abdulazeez1984 - @JP_LOKSATTA Sir, shouldn't devpmnt of public transport be high priority for state govts to counter high petrol&diesel prices? #loksattalive

Abdul Azeez Shaik @abdulazeez1984 - @JP_LOKSATTA @ashwinmahesh Thanks a lot for the reply #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @abdulazeez1984 Oil pricing is also abt incentives wid growin shortages & imports we need to promote othr fuels. Taxation hlps #loksattalive

As Reply to

Abdul Azeez Shaik @abdulazeez1984 - @JP_LOKSATTA What is your view on high ATF prices and high taxes on petrol,diesel? #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive if our credit rating is lowered because of inaction interest burden will go up instantly. we have to act now.

Aravind @arav_m - @jvsk3 not true, US has realized long back small businesses r engines of growth & employment, thats reason #loksattalive @JP_LOKSATTA

j venkatesh @jvsk3 - @JP_LOKSATTA President OBAMA call 2 his people not 2 buy from WALMART'S was all over Twitter last Year.Why?

j venkatesh @jvsk3 - @JP_LOKSATTA #loksattalive Funniest aspect is lastyear USA President Obama was telling his Citizens2Purchase from Kiranas &not from Walmart?

j venkatesh @jvsk3 - @JP_LOKSATTA Do agree but should know whom R V inviting they R big Giants who R notorious &our present chaos idle for them2turn as Parasites

Amit Choudary @Amitjan - @JP_LOKSATTA @jvsk3 Totally Agree.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @jvsk3 This applies to all spheres of economy. We cannot wait for politics to improve before mending economy. #fdi #loksattalive

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j venkatesh @jvsk3 - #loksattalive When V have a very faulty system Governing our Country is it right 2 open our Mkts 2 Notorious Retail Giants?

Sanjay Jhunjhunwala @PollTics - @CAPMohan point is well taken, but any index is useful 4 comparison if its widely accepted. Rt now it is GDP.May B in future itll B GreenGDP

Sanjay Jhunjhunwala @PollTics - @CAPMohan #loksattalive if you can suggest a better metrics, then we can use that. or people cud simply stop drinking alcholhol

Sanjay Jhunjhunwala @PollTics - @CAPMohan true, but GDP is a real metrics whereas real welfare can not be accurately measured. #loksattalive

Rajkumar Singh @Rajkumar23Singh - It's our credential rating,which's very much in our hands @JP_LOKSATTA @rubenmasc @sardesairajdeep @hamaracongress @gsurya @ravishndtv @eeta

Sanjay Jhunjhunwala @PollTics - @JP_LOKSATTA but we can't be slaves to credit rating agencies which by all accounts are unfare. #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @Rajkumar23Singh Credit rating is not in our hands. Usually there are verifiable norms. #loksattalive

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Rajkumar Singh @Rajkumar23Singh - If our credential rating is lowered for vested interest, when'll we act? @JP_LOKSATTA @rubenmasc @suchetadalal @vanityparty @vinitadeshmukh

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive if our credit rating is lowered because of inaction interest burden will go up instantly. we have to act now.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @GVRDon There r 32 big cities qualifying.States' policy n investors' due diligence will determine investment destination. #fdi #loksattalive

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Raghava Rohit @GVRDon - #loksattalive what amount of transparency can be seen by states in selecting the cities for FDI?

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @indirakoneru #loksattalive in Lok Satta :)

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @cpings4 Its not one or the other. We must end corruption as well as mend the economy. And both quickly! Time is now! #loksattalive #FDI

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @cpings4 Congress brand of socialism has led to the crisis. now we hav 2 judge policy on merits, not from where it comes. #loksattalive #FDI

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Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive FDI, FII & remittances are vital to bridge gap in short term. FII brings hot money. FDI is safer and brings jobs & growth.

Ram Ramdas @ramramdas - @JP_LOKSATTA @geekz #loksattalive yes, especially agri procurement!

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @geekz @ramramdas Procurement must be from India as pre-condition. We need to bridge gap between producer & consumer in India. #loksattalive

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Ram Ramdas @ramramdas - @JP_LOKSATTA #loksattalive infact more investment being made by indian cos overseas than in india over last 5 years!

Ram Ramdas @ramramdas - @pkrtweets @jp_loksatta @rubenmasc @indirakoneru do you really beliv e that indian cos don't? Why fear the clor of the dollar bribes?

Ram Ramdas @ramramdas - @pkrtweets @jp_loksatta @rubenmasc @indirakoneru with proper safeguards, I don't think even walmart is to be feared!

Ram Ramdas @ramramdas - @JP_LOKSATTA @rubenmasc @indirakoneru #fdi #loksattalive if big indian retailers can't, why shd foreiners be able? Why are we so xenophobic?

dhanada mishra @dhanadam - @JP_LOKSATTA @indirakoneru Is it not possible to have State Level Regulatory mechanism to control the impact of FDI in favour of the masses?

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @indirakoneru It's a good point. There is always that danger. We need to have safeguards n competition. #fdi #loksattalive

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Dr. Indira Koneru @indirakoneru - Farmers may be given lucrative prices initially; but eventually they will be at the mercy of big retailers, isn't it? #loksattalive #fdi

Karan @karancspeaks - @JP_LOKSATTA Even though the source of investment doesnt matter, the sourcing of the products do Sir.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @karancspeaks True. There is no one solution. Outcomes matter, not the source of investment. #fdi #loksattalive

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Karan @karancspeaks - To bring in efficiency in to the un-organised system, FDI is not the only solution. #loksattalive

Ram Ramdas @ramramdas - @JP_LOKSATTA @LoksattaMember @cloudsaaspaas #fdi #loksattalive all inv incl FDI must be promoted.. Backdated law on Income Tax was shameful!

Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - @JP_LOKSATTA The fact is, nowhere in the world big retail has provided backend grain storage facilites. #loksattalive http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/article3897906.ece

Sanjay Jhunjhunwala @PollTics - @JP_LOKSATTA what are your suggestions to promote more FDI in the country? #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @cloudsaaspaas FDI peaked in 2009 to abt $26 b. Investment climate declined in India. Lot more is needed to promote FDI. #fdi #loksattalive

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Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - @JP_LOKSATTA FDI is already allowed in storage and no investment has come in. Why is that? #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @abdulazeez1984 Absolutely. Subsidizing private consumption is no answer. Public transport and conservation are vital. #loksattalive #FDI

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Abdul Azeez Shaik @abdulazeez1984 - @JP_LOKSATTA Sir, shouldn't devpmnt of public transport be high priority for state govts to counter high petrol&diesel prices? #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @abdulazeez1984 Oil pricing is also abt incentives wid growin shortages & imports we need to promote othr fuels. Taxation hlps #loksattalive

Abdul Azeez Shaik @abdulazeez1984 - @JP_LOKSATTA What is your view on high ATF prices and high taxes on petrol,diesel? #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive if our credit rating is lowered because of inaction interest burden will go up instantly. we have to act now.

Ramanujam @nimmajji - @JP_LOKSATTA Exactly, sir. I feel the fears expressed by the opponents can be managed through wise regulations.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @nimmajji Pretty much the same except that big industry opposed opening up in 1991. Those fears proved to be unfounded. #fdi #loksattalive

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Ramanujam @nimmajji - How different are the arguments against #FDI in retail compared to those against opening up of the economy in 1991? Am I missing something?

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @indirakoneru #loksattalive in Lok Satta :)

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @cpings4 Its not one or the other. We must end corruption as well as mend the economy. And both quickly! Time is now! #loksattalive #FDI

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Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @cpings4 Congress brand of socialism has led to the crisis. now we hav 2 judge policy on merits, not from where it comes. #loksattalive #FDI

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive FDI, FII & remittances are vital to bridge gap in short term. FII brings hot money. FDI is safer and brings jobs & growth.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @supportloksatta @ashwinmahesh Food grains and horticulture can compete globally with grading and processing. #loksattalive #FDI

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Loksatta Supporter @supportloksatta - @JP_LOKSATTA @ashwinmahesh Do you foresee any class of Indian producers' competitiveness increasing globally b/c of FDI retail policy?

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @magikalyan Retail market is growing very fast. it will nvr exceed 30%. small traders will have 70% of much larger pie. #loksattalive #FDI

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Kalyan Pilla @magikalyan - @JP_LOKSATTA #loksattalive #FDI might improve the economy, but would the gain surpass the loss to the daily retail seller?

kirun @kirun_g - @JP_LOKSATTA @ashwinmahesh thanks sir

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @kirun_g @ashwinmahesh Yes, there will be 2 pieces ready on FDI and Oil Price in next 48hrs. To be published in DNA.

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kirun @kirun_g - @ashwinmahesh @JP_LOKSATTA hi sir can you write an article so that ppl like me can understand easily Thanks

Vasudev @vasudevg - @JP_LOKSATTA Sir are you tweeting from 2 twitter accounts? other account @DRJPNARAYAN ? Is it the same person? #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @magikalyan There is no restriction on consumption, only on subsidy. We can buy as many as we want. But at a higher price. #loksattalive

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Kalyan Pilla @magikalyan - @JP_LOKSATTA #loksattalive 6 cylinders a year!! Is this a plan to move to electric cooking??

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @mlallu Many of our companies have become MNC's. It works both ways. In fact India is doing better than China in foreign acquisitions.

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Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive Even Indian companies want FDI. If the bring in capital, management & technology, they should be welcome

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - Many of our companies have become MNC's. It works both ways. In fact India is doing better than China in foreign acquisitions. #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @abdulazeez1984 Subsidies, yes. But not for fuel consumption. Education, healthcare, power and transport are priorities. #loksattalive

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Abdul Azeez Shaik @abdulazeez1984 - @JP_LOKSATTA After diesel hike,many people are arguing that why govt cant give subsidies when tax incentives are ter for corp #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - With under recovery of Rs 2,00,000 cr. in oil prices somebody has to pay- consumer or taxpayer. Always better consumer pays. #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @magikalyan Cylinders can be monitored easily. Impossible to keep track of diesel. But public transport can be subsidized. #loksattalive

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Kalyan Pilla @magikalyan - @JP_LOKSATTA #loksattalive 6 cylinders with subsidy is then a very decent idea.y dont v have subsidised fuel 4 a certain amt every month?

Dr. Indira Koneru @indirakoneru - @JP_LOKSATTA Hope farmers will have improved electricity supply... #fdi #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @indirakoneru Certainly.Higher price to farmers,investment in infrastructure n processing,jobs,higher n better production #fdi #loksattalive

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Dr. Indira Koneru @indirakoneru - @JP_LOKSATTA Will it improve quality of life in the rural areas? #LokSattaLive #FDI

Ratnakar Sadasyula @ScorpiusMaximus - @cpings4 @JP_LOKSATTA It is not just East Asia, almost all developed nations be it Aus,EU,US protect their domestic industry.

Ratnakar Sadasyula @ScorpiusMaximus - @cpings4 @JP_LOKSATTA When we speak of East Asia, those nations invested heavily in education, R&D, how much have we?

Ratnakar Sadasyula @ScorpiusMaximus - @cpings4 @JP_LOKSATTA Do you know that couple of years back in S.Korea, they were massive protests against beef import from US?

Ratnakar Sadasyula @ScorpiusMaximus - @cpings4 @JP_LOKSATTA China, Korea, Japan protect their domestic industry, check out the tariff barriers MNC's face there.

Ratnakar Sadasyula @ScorpiusMaximus - @cpings4 @JP_LOKSATTA China built the Infra, invested heavily in education before they started to invite FDI, can we say same.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @cpings4 Swadesi is about strengthening the country & not isolating it. China welcomes FDI and is now a mighty power. #loksattalive #FDI

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Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - Many of our companies have become MNC's. It works both ways. In fact India is doing better than China in foreign acquisitions. #loksattalive

Ramadoss Praveen Raj @praveenraj1961 - @JP_LOKSATTA @jai1900 In which country,in the World do they handover their Natural resources for Free,other than BANANA Republics & Dictator

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @jai1900 Prices in Europe n elsewhere r often higher than Indian fuel prices. It's also a Q of longterm energy security. #loksattalive

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Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - With under recovery of Rs 2,00,000 cr. in oil prices somebody has to pay- consumer or taxpayer. Always better consumer pays. #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @Iamtssudhir Good Q. If there is fair competition, corruption will com down. If v play favorites, cronyism will rise. #loksattalive

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T S Sudhir @Iamtssudhir - @JP_LOKSATTA Will more investment (FDI) also mean more corruption & lining of political pockets? Are we looking at more scams in the future?

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @jai1900 India imports abt 80% oil. We consume 3 mb a day. We need to move towards biofuels n alt energies thru price signal. #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @Iamtssudhir Nuclear families are already a reality. There are other incentives for joint families - HUF etc! #loksattalive

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T S Sudhir @Iamtssudhir - @JP_LOKSATTA By restricting subsidy to 6 cylinders in a year, are we encouraging more nuclear families? Social impact? #loksattalive

FakeJourno @FakeJourno - @supportloksatta Thx. You must get some senior SC lawyers and bureaucrats in the party who can counter the govt. Keep it up ! @JP_LOKSATTA

Loksatta Supporter @supportloksatta - @FakeJourno We are not SC lawyers. We will need services of SC lawyers. @JP_LOKSATTA

Loksatta Supporter @supportloksatta - @FakeJourno Please look at the full text of SC order. Lok Satta is in the petition http://ibnlive.in.com/news/full-text-supreme-court-order-on-2g-scam/2265... … @JP_LOKSATTA

FakeJourno @FakeJourno - @JP_LOKSATTA (1) Was is LokSatta ? Or Dr Swamy and Prashant Bhushan ? (2) What about CoalScam ? Why not approach court for cancellation ?

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @FakeJourno It is LS that moved Supreme court to cancel 2G licenses. We succeeded in that. Auctions are now being held freshly #loksattalive

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FakeJourno @FakeJourno - @JP_LOKSATTA Sir, Why does'nt your party use courts more effectively to check corruption & mis-governance ? #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @sonaliranade Fair competition works everywhere provided there's level playing field. #loksattalive

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SonaliRanade @sonaliranade - Somebody ask #Loksatta live why does competition by foreigners work for manufacturing but not trading? What's so special about retailing?

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @sonaliranade GDP per-capita went up from $300 to $1700 in 20 years. Fears of reform proved to be misplaced.Competition helps! #loksattalive

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SonaliRanade @sonaliranade - Somebody ask #Loksatta live why does competition by foreigners work for manufacturing but not trading? What's so special about retailing?

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @abdulazeez1984 What we need is economic integration n decentralization of power. Prosperity strengthen states. #loksattalive

Abdul Azeez Shaik @abdulazeez1984 - @JP_LOKSATTA BJP states argue that GST is threat to federal structure and decentralization. Sir,Your views on this please #loksattalive

Anvesh R @anveshr - @JP_LOKSATTA Sir, there are states with NO VAT,it took decades after proposing. What about GST ?, will it ever be implemented?(unfirom tax)

Kuldeep Bhatt @kbhatt2006 - @JP_LOKSATTA Exactly NaMo says all about the infra and tech required to develop GST :)

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @anveshr Going by the experience of VAT, GST too will succeed. States revenues went up with VAT. GST req. lots of preparation. #loksattalive

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Anvesh R @anveshr - @JP_LOKSATTA Sir,I would like to know Loksatta's stand on Goods and service Tax. Sure it is a hit in other countries. Will it be same here?

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @VamsiAddanki Govt's primary role is public order,justice, Infrastructure,Education n health care. Let govt do its job. #loksattalive #fdi

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Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive Real benefit is in stimulating post harvest technology.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @ScorpiusMaximus @cpings4 Lets us study German experience and build safegaurds in India too. #loksattalive

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Ratnakar Sadasyula @ScorpiusMaximus - @cpings4 @JP_LOKSATTA Walmart had to get out of Germany due to the strict laws it had against price dumping there.


@cpings4 @JP_LOKSATTA It is not just East Asia, almost all developed nations be it Aus,EU,US protect their domestic industry.

Reply Retweet Favorite@ScorpiusMaximus

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - Join me, @ashwinmahesh & @SurendraLSP 6-7pm today for a chat on FDI and related topics. Use hashtag #loksattalive http://bit.ly/Qdimqr

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive It does not matter if the cat is black or white; it should catch mice. all we need to do is to protect our interests.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive all procurement must be only from indian sources. then our producers benefit.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive limiting to select big cities protects small traders. 75% of trade will remain with small traders in a fast going market.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive Even Indian companies want FDI. If the bring in capital, management & technology, they should be welcome

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive Key challenge is backward integration, quality, grading, transport, storage & processing.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive Real benefit is in stimulating post harvest technology.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive It stabilizes prices, creates jobs and adds value and eliminates waste.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @ashwinmahesh Fiscal prudence has to be across the board. It cannot be knee jerk reaction.

As Reply to

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - The 'fiscal prudence' argument only makes sense if prudence is generally woven into many other decisions also. Else, just a vacuous claim.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive But failure to act in one area is no ground for inaction else where.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive if our credit rating is lowered because of inaction interest burden will go up instantly. we have to act now.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @balajiworld @ashwinmahesh Clearly we have to build safegaurds based on past experience to prevent tax evasion.

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Balaji @balajiworld - @ashwinmahesh @JP_LOKSATTA less than 100% FDI helps crooked indian bizmen. Essar/Unitech vs Vodafone/Telenor. your thoughts? #loksattalive

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - Join me, JP and Surendra Srivastava this evening from 6-7 for a live debate on twitter, as we look at the recent... http://fb.me/1jctwyuOe

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive FDI also reduces current account deficit. Rupee now is under pressure and trade deficit is 4.4% of GDP.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive FDI, FII & remittances are vital to bridge gap in short term. FII brings hot money. FDI is safer and brings jobs & growth.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @rubenmasc It's d old argument of private vs public sector. Let govt do its job first. In any case, there's no bar on govt investment. #fdi

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Prashen Kyawal @prashen - @ashwinmahesh @arav_m saying this since ages

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @arav_m #loksattalive notice how when they raise prices, they don't adjust tax rates? They can easily keep the tax as a number, not a %age.

Sanjay Jhunjhunwala @PollTics - @JP_LOKSATTA #loksattalive increasing taxes without ensuring that the tax money is spent judiciously is a recipe for disaster.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @abdulazeez1984 Our Tax-GDP ratio is still low. We need taxes to run Govt. There can be some tweaking, but not much. #loksattalive #FDI

As Reply to

Abdul Azeez Shaik @abdulazeez1984 - @JP_LOKSATTA What is your view on high ATF prices and high taxes on petrol,diesel? #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive if our credit rating is lowered because of inaction interest burden will go up instantly. we have to act now.

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @abdulazeez1984 #loksattalive have been advising JnNURM on this. Second version likely to be more sensible than first.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @abdulazeez1984 Absolutely. Subsidizing private consumption is no answer. Public transport and conservation are vital. #loksattalive #FDI

Abdul Azeez Shaik @abdulazeez1984 - @JP_LOKSATTA Sir, shouldn't devpmnt of public transport be high priority for state govts to counter high petrol&diesel prices? #loksattalive

Abdul Azeez Shaik @abdulazeez1984 - @JP_LOKSATTA @ashwinmahesh Thanks a lot for the reply #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @abdulazeez1984 Oil pricing is also abt incentives wid growin shortages & imports we need to promote othr fuels. Taxation hlps #loksattalive

As Reply to

Abdul Azeez Shaik @abdulazeez1984 - @JP_LOKSATTA What is your view on high ATF prices and high taxes on petrol,diesel? #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive if our credit rating is lowered because of inaction interest burden will go up instantly. we have to act now.

Aravind @arav_m - @jvsk3 not true, US has realized long back small businesses r engines of growth & employment, thats reason #loksattalive @JP_LOKSATTA

j venkatesh @jvsk3 - @JP_LOKSATTA President OBAMA call 2 his people not 2 buy from WALMART'S was all over Twitter last Year.Why?

j venkatesh @jvsk3 - @JP_LOKSATTA #loksattalive Funniest aspect is lastyear USA President Obama was telling his Citizens2Purchase from Kiranas &not from Walmart?

j venkatesh @jvsk3 - @JP_LOKSATTA Do agree but should know whom R V inviting they R big Giants who R notorious &our present chaos idle for them2turn as Parasites

Amit Choudary @Amitjan - @JP_LOKSATTA @jvsk3 Totally Agree.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @jvsk3 This applies to all spheres of economy. We cannot wait for politics to improve before mending economy. #fdi #loksattalive

As Reply to

j venkatesh @jvsk3 - #loksattalive When V have a very faulty system Governing our Country is it right 2 open our Mkts 2 Notorious Retail Giants?

Sanjay Jhunjhunwala @PollTics - @CAPMohan point is well taken, but any index is useful 4 comparison if its widely accepted. Rt now it is GDP.May B in future itll B GreenGDP

Sanjay Jhunjhunwala @PollTics - @CAPMohan #loksattalive if you can suggest a better metrics, then we can use that. or people cud simply stop drinking alcholhol

Sanjay Jhunjhunwala @PollTics - @CAPMohan true, but GDP is a real metrics whereas real welfare can not be accurately measured. #loksattalive

Rajkumar Singh @Rajkumar23Singh - It's our credential rating,which's very much in our hands @JP_LOKSATTA @rubenmasc @sardesairajdeep @hamaracongress @gsurya @ravishndtv @eeta

Sanjay Jhunjhunwala @PollTics - @JP_LOKSATTA but we can't be slaves to credit rating agencies which by all accounts are unfare. #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @Rajkumar23Singh Credit rating is not in our hands. Usually there are verifiable norms. #loksattalive

As Reply to

Rajkumar Singh @Rajkumar23Singh - If our credential rating is lowered for vested interest, when'll we act? @JP_LOKSATTA @rubenmasc @suchetadalal @vanityparty @vinitadeshmukh

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive if our credit rating is lowered because of inaction interest burden will go up instantly. we have to act now.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @GVRDon There r 32 big cities qualifying.States' policy n investors' due diligence will determine investment destination. #fdi #loksattalive

As Reply to

Raghava Rohit @GVRDon - #loksattalive what amount of transparency can be seen by states in selecting the cities for FDI?

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @indirakoneru #loksattalive in Lok Satta :)

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @cpings4 Its not one or the other. We must end corruption as well as mend the economy. And both quickly! Time is now! #loksattalive #FDI

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @cpings4 Congress brand of socialism has led to the crisis. now we hav 2 judge policy on merits, not from where it comes. #loksattalive #FDI

As Reply to

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive FDI, FII & remittances are vital to bridge gap in short term. FII brings hot money. FDI is safer and brings jobs & growth.

Ram Ramdas @ramramdas - @JP_LOKSATTA @geekz #loksattalive yes, especially agri procurement!

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @geekz @ramramdas Procurement must be from India as pre-condition. We need to bridge gap between producer & consumer in India. #loksattalive

As Reply to

Ram Ramdas @ramramdas - @JP_LOKSATTA #loksattalive infact more investment being made by indian cos overseas than in india over last 5 years!

Ram Ramdas @ramramdas - @pkrtweets @jp_loksatta @rubenmasc @indirakoneru do you really beliv e that indian cos don't? Why fear the clor of the dollar bribes?

Ram Ramdas @ramramdas - @pkrtweets @jp_loksatta @rubenmasc @indirakoneru with proper safeguards, I don't think even walmart is to be feared!

Ram Ramdas @ramramdas - @JP_LOKSATTA @rubenmasc @indirakoneru #fdi #loksattalive if big indian retailers can't, why shd foreiners be able? Why are we so xenophobic?

dhanada mishra @dhanadam - @JP_LOKSATTA @indirakoneru Is it not possible to have State Level Regulatory mechanism to control the impact of FDI in favour of the masses?

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @indirakoneru It's a good point. There is always that danger. We need to have safeguards n competition. #fdi #loksattalive

As Reply to

Dr. Indira Koneru @indirakoneru - Farmers may be given lucrative prices initially; but eventually they will be at the mercy of big retailers, isn't it? #loksattalive #fdi

Karan @karancspeaks - @JP_LOKSATTA Even though the source of investment doesnt matter, the sourcing of the products do Sir.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @karancspeaks True. There is no one solution. Outcomes matter, not the source of investment. #fdi #loksattalive

As Reply to

Karan @karancspeaks - To bring in efficiency in to the un-organised system, FDI is not the only solution. #loksattalive

Ram Ramdas @ramramdas - @JP_LOKSATTA @LoksattaMember @cloudsaaspaas #fdi #loksattalive all inv incl FDI must be promoted.. Backdated law on Income Tax was shameful!

Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - @JP_LOKSATTA The fact is, nowhere in the world big retail has provided backend grain storage facilites. #loksattalive http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/article3897906.ece

Sanjay Jhunjhunwala @PollTics - @JP_LOKSATTA what are your suggestions to promote more FDI in the country? #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @cloudsaaspaas FDI peaked in 2009 to abt $26 b. Investment climate declined in India. Lot more is needed to promote FDI. #fdi #loksattalive

As Reply to

Cloud Boy @cloudsaaspaas - @JP_LOKSATTA FDI is already allowed in storage and no investment has come in. Why is that? #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @abdulazeez1984 Absolutely. Subsidizing private consumption is no answer. Public transport and conservation are vital. #loksattalive #FDI

As Reply to

Abdul Azeez Shaik @abdulazeez1984 - @JP_LOKSATTA Sir, shouldn't devpmnt of public transport be high priority for state govts to counter high petrol&diesel prices? #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @abdulazeez1984 Oil pricing is also abt incentives wid growin shortages & imports we need to promote othr fuels. Taxation hlps #loksattalive

Abdul Azeez Shaik @abdulazeez1984 - @JP_LOKSATTA What is your view on high ATF prices and high taxes on petrol,diesel? #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive if our credit rating is lowered because of inaction interest burden will go up instantly. we have to act now.

Ramanujam @nimmajji - @JP_LOKSATTA Exactly, sir. I feel the fears expressed by the opponents can be managed through wise regulations.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @nimmajji Pretty much the same except that big industry opposed opening up in 1991. Those fears proved to be unfounded. #fdi #loksattalive

As Reply to

Ramanujam @nimmajji - How different are the arguments against #FDI in retail compared to those against opening up of the economy in 1991? Am I missing something?

Ashwin Mahesh @ashwinmahesh - @indirakoneru #loksattalive in Lok Satta :)

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @cpings4 Its not one or the other. We must end corruption as well as mend the economy. And both quickly! Time is now! #loksattalive #FDI

As Reply to

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @cpings4 Congress brand of socialism has led to the crisis. now we hav 2 judge policy on merits, not from where it comes. #loksattalive #FDI

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive FDI, FII & remittances are vital to bridge gap in short term. FII brings hot money. FDI is safer and brings jobs & growth.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @supportloksatta @ashwinmahesh Food grains and horticulture can compete globally with grading and processing. #loksattalive #FDI

As Reply to

Loksatta Supporter @supportloksatta - @JP_LOKSATTA @ashwinmahesh Do you foresee any class of Indian producers' competitiveness increasing globally b/c of FDI retail policy?

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @magikalyan Retail market is growing very fast. it will nvr exceed 30%. small traders will have 70% of much larger pie. #loksattalive #FDI

As Reply to

Kalyan Pilla @magikalyan - @JP_LOKSATTA #loksattalive #FDI might improve the economy, but would the gain surpass the loss to the daily retail seller?

kirun @kirun_g - @JP_LOKSATTA @ashwinmahesh thanks sir

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @kirun_g @ashwinmahesh Yes, there will be 2 pieces ready on FDI and Oil Price in next 48hrs. To be published in DNA.

As Reply to

kirun @kirun_g - @ashwinmahesh @JP_LOKSATTA hi sir can you write an article so that ppl like me can understand easily Thanks

Vasudev @vasudevg - @JP_LOKSATTA Sir are you tweeting from 2 twitter accounts? other account @DRJPNARAYAN ? Is it the same person? #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @magikalyan There is no restriction on consumption, only on subsidy. We can buy as many as we want. But at a higher price. #loksattalive

As Reply to

Kalyan Pilla @magikalyan - @JP_LOKSATTA #loksattalive 6 cylinders a year!! Is this a plan to move to electric cooking??

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @mlallu Many of our companies have become MNC's. It works both ways. In fact India is doing better than China in foreign acquisitions.

As Reply to

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive Even Indian companies want FDI. If the bring in capital, management & technology, they should be welcome

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - Many of our companies have become MNC's. It works both ways. In fact India is doing better than China in foreign acquisitions. #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @abdulazeez1984 Subsidies, yes. But not for fuel consumption. Education, healthcare, power and transport are priorities. #loksattalive

As Reply to

Abdul Azeez Shaik @abdulazeez1984 - @JP_LOKSATTA After diesel hike,many people are arguing that why govt cant give subsidies when tax incentives are ter for corp #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - With under recovery of Rs 2,00,000 cr. in oil prices somebody has to pay- consumer or taxpayer. Always better consumer pays. #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @magikalyan Cylinders can be monitored easily. Impossible to keep track of diesel. But public transport can be subsidized. #loksattalive

As Reply to

Kalyan Pilla @magikalyan - @JP_LOKSATTA #loksattalive 6 cylinders with subsidy is then a very decent idea.y dont v have subsidised fuel 4 a certain amt every month?

Dr. Indira Koneru @indirakoneru - @JP_LOKSATTA Hope farmers will have improved electricity supply... #fdi #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @indirakoneru Certainly.Higher price to farmers,investment in infrastructure n processing,jobs,higher n better production #fdi #loksattalive

As Reply to

Dr. Indira Koneru @indirakoneru - @JP_LOKSATTA Will it improve quality of life in the rural areas? #LokSattaLive #FDI

Ratnakar Sadasyula @ScorpiusMaximus - @cpings4 @JP_LOKSATTA It is not just East Asia, almost all developed nations be it Aus,EU,US protect their domestic industry.

Ratnakar Sadasyula @ScorpiusMaximus - @cpings4 @JP_LOKSATTA When we speak of East Asia, those nations invested heavily in education, R&D, how much have we?

Ratnakar Sadasyula @ScorpiusMaximus - @cpings4 @JP_LOKSATTA Do you know that couple of years back in S.Korea, they were massive protests against beef import from US?

Ratnakar Sadasyula @ScorpiusMaximus - @cpings4 @JP_LOKSATTA China, Korea, Japan protect their domestic industry, check out the tariff barriers MNC's face there.

Ratnakar Sadasyula @ScorpiusMaximus - @cpings4 @JP_LOKSATTA China built the Infra, invested heavily in education before they started to invite FDI, can we say same.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @cpings4 Swadesi is about strengthening the country & not isolating it. China welcomes FDI and is now a mighty power. #loksattalive #FDI

As Reply to

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - Many of our companies have become MNC's. It works both ways. In fact India is doing better than China in foreign acquisitions. #loksattalive

Ramadoss Praveen Raj @praveenraj1961 - @JP_LOKSATTA @jai1900 In which country,in the World do they handover their Natural resources for Free,other than BANANA Republics & Dictator

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @jai1900 Prices in Europe n elsewhere r often higher than Indian fuel prices. It's also a Q of longterm energy security. #loksattalive

As Reply to

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - With under recovery of Rs 2,00,000 cr. in oil prices somebody has to pay- consumer or taxpayer. Always better consumer pays. #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @Iamtssudhir Good Q. If there is fair competition, corruption will com down. If v play favorites, cronyism will rise. #loksattalive

As Reply to

T S Sudhir @Iamtssudhir - @JP_LOKSATTA Will more investment (FDI) also mean more corruption & lining of political pockets? Are we looking at more scams in the future?

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @jai1900 India imports abt 80% oil. We consume 3 mb a day. We need to move towards biofuels n alt energies thru price signal. #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @Iamtssudhir Nuclear families are already a reality. There are other incentives for joint families - HUF etc! #loksattalive

As Reply to

T S Sudhir @Iamtssudhir - @JP_LOKSATTA By restricting subsidy to 6 cylinders in a year, are we encouraging more nuclear families? Social impact? #loksattalive

FakeJourno @FakeJourno - @supportloksatta Thx. You must get some senior SC lawyers and bureaucrats in the party who can counter the govt. Keep it up ! @JP_LOKSATTA

Loksatta Supporter @supportloksatta - @FakeJourno We are not SC lawyers. We will need services of SC lawyers. @JP_LOKSATTA

Loksatta Supporter @supportloksatta - @FakeJourno Please look at the full text of SC order. Lok Satta is in the petition http://ibnlive.in.com/news/full-text-supreme-court-order-on-2g-scam/2265... … @JP_LOKSATTA

FakeJourno @FakeJourno - @JP_LOKSATTA (1) Was is LokSatta ? Or Dr Swamy and Prashant Bhushan ? (2) What about CoalScam ? Why not approach court for cancellation ?

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @FakeJourno It is LS that moved Supreme court to cancel 2G licenses. We succeeded in that. Auctions are now being held freshly #loksattalive

As Reply to

FakeJourno @FakeJourno - @JP_LOKSATTA Sir, Why does'nt your party use courts more effectively to check corruption & mis-governance ? #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @sonaliranade Fair competition works everywhere provided there's level playing field. #loksattalive

As Reply to

SonaliRanade @sonaliranade - Somebody ask #Loksatta live why does competition by foreigners work for manufacturing but not trading? What's so special about retailing?

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @sonaliranade GDP per-capita went up from $300 to $1700 in 20 years. Fears of reform proved to be misplaced.Competition helps! #loksattalive

As Reply to

SonaliRanade @sonaliranade - Somebody ask #Loksatta live why does competition by foreigners work for manufacturing but not trading? What's so special about retailing?

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @abdulazeez1984 What we need is economic integration n decentralization of power. Prosperity strengthen states. #loksattalive

Abdul Azeez Shaik @abdulazeez1984 - @JP_LOKSATTA BJP states argue that GST is threat to federal structure and decentralization. Sir,Your views on this please #loksattalive

Anvesh R @anveshr - @JP_LOKSATTA Sir, there are states with NO VAT,it took decades after proposing. What about GST ?, will it ever be implemented?(unfirom tax)

Kuldeep Bhatt @kbhatt2006 - @JP_LOKSATTA Exactly NaMo says all about the infra and tech required to develop GST :)

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @anveshr Going by the experience of VAT, GST too will succeed. States revenues went up with VAT. GST req. lots of preparation. #loksattalive

As Reply to

Anvesh R @anveshr - @JP_LOKSATTA Sir,I would like to know Loksatta's stand on Goods and service Tax. Sure it is a hit in other countries. Will it be same here?

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @VamsiAddanki Govt's primary role is public order,justice, Infrastructure,Education n health care. Let govt do its job. #loksattalive #fdi

As Reply to

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - #loksattalive Real benefit is in stimulating post harvest technology.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @ScorpiusMaximus @cpings4 Lets us study German experience and build safegaurds in India too. #loksattalive

As Reply to

Ratnakar Sadasyula @ScorpiusMaximus - @cpings4 @JP_LOKSATTA Walmart had to get out of Germany due to the strict laws it had against price dumping there.

Ratnakar Sadasyula @ScorpiusMaximus - @cpings4 @JP_LOKSATTA It is not just East Asia, almost all developed nations be it Aus,EU,US protect their domestic industry.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @cpings4 Swadesi is about strengthening the country & not isolating it. China welcomes FDI and is now a mighty power. #loksattalive #FDI

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - Many of our companies have become MNC's. It works both ways. In fact India is doing better than China in foreign acquisitions. #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @sonaliranade Indian Industry is smart n our consumer is discerning. Look at the travails of Coca Cola n Pepsi in India! #fdi #loksattalive

As Reply to

SonaliRanade @sonaliranade - We make & drive better cars. We export more. Our car mfgers invest abroad & compete. Who is afraid of competition? #Loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @abdulazeez1984 What we need is economic integration n decentralization of power. Prosperity strengthen states. #loksattalive

As Reply to

Abdul Azeez Shaik @abdulazeez1984 - @JP_LOKSATTA BJP states argue that GST is threat to federal structure and decentralization. Sir,Your views on this please #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @anveshr Going by the experience of VAT, GST too will succeed. States revenues went up with VAT. GST req. lots of preparation. #loksattalive

Anvesh R @anveshr - @JP_LOKSATTA Sir,I would like to know Loksatta's stand on Goods and service Tax. Sure it is a hit in other countries. Will it be same here?

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - Thank you all for joining the debate. We need a healthy debate not knee-jerk responses. We all want strong India. #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @sonaliranade Gr8 to follow ur views on twitter. I wish there are more such ppl who combine logic n facts with clarity. Lets be in touch.

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @cpings4 Swadesi is about strengthening the country & not isolating it. China welcomes FDI and is now a mighty power. #loksattalive #FDI

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - Many of our companies have become MNC's. It works both ways. In fact India is doing better than China in foreign acquisitions. #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @sonaliranade Indian Industry is smart n our consumer is discerning. Look at the travails of Coca Cola n Pepsi in India! #fdi #loksattalive

As Reply to

SonaliRanade @sonaliranade - We make & drive better cars. We export more. Our car mfgers invest abroad & compete. Who is afraid of competition? #Loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @abdulazeez1984 What we need is economic integration n decentralization of power. Prosperity strengthen states. #loksattalive

As Reply to

Abdul Azeez Shaik @abdulazeez1984 - @JP_LOKSATTA BJP states argue that GST is threat to federal structure and decentralization. Sir,Your views on this please #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @anveshr Going by the experience of VAT, GST too will succeed. States revenues went up with VAT. GST req. lots of preparation. #loksattalive

Anvesh R @anveshr - @JP_LOKSATTA Sir,I would like to know Loksatta's stand on Goods and service Tax. Sure it is a hit in other countries. Will it be same here?

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - Thank you all for joining the debate. We need a healthy debate not knee-jerk responses. We all want strong India. #loksattalive

Jayaprakash Narayan @JP_LOKSATTA - @sonaliranade Gr8 to follow ur views on twitter. I wish there are more such ppl who combine logic n facts with clarity. Lets be in touch.

Monday, September 17, 2012 - 08:02