Act on CAG report and punish the Guilty: Dr. JP

The Lok Satta Party today charged the Government with presenting the Comptroller and Auditor General’s report on gross irregularities in land allocations deliberately on the last day of the Assembly's budget session with a view to avoiding a discussion.

In a media statement, Lok Satta Party President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan disclosed that the CAG had submitted the report on Government land allocations between 2006 and 2011 several months ago.

Dr. JP faulted the Government for its indifference to allegations of corruption and irregularities in land allocations and treating it as a matter to be looked into by the Supreme Court or the CBI. The State Government is duty bound to order an inquiry, identify officials and people's representatives guilty of either indulging in corruption and irregularities or abetting them, and initiate action against them. Instead, the Government is turning a blind eye to unbridled loot of public resources and indirectly licensing corruption.

Dr. JP recalled that the Lok Satta Party and other Opposition parties had exposed in the Assembly how the Government sacrificed public interest in land allocations. The CAG report has merely confirmed their charges by adducing additional evidence.

Dr. JP demanded that the CAG report be brought under the purview of the proposed House committee to review land allotments.

The Government should announce a land and natural resource allotment policy anchored in transparency, competition and public interest. It should not give scope for loot of natural resources in future, Dr. JP added.

Friday, March 30, 2012 - 18:58