A vote against BJP is not necessarily A vote for Congress: Dr. JP

The Congress victory in Karnataka should not be construed as a vote for it at the national level, Lok Satta Party national President Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan said today. In a media statement, he pointed out that the Congress has come to power on the plank of an anti BJP vote because of local conditions.

Dr. JP said that the Congress has gained from people's revulsion against corruption, bad governance and utter failure in key sectors and split in BJP party ranks. The Congress at the national level now and in Karnataka when it ruled the State in the past is no different from the BJP. Yet, the people voted for the Congress because they have found no alternative.

Dr. JP said that by defeating the BJP and voting for the Congress, the people in Karnataka have fallen from the frying pan into the fire. A race has already begun in Karnataka for the Chief Minister's post. He hoped that the Congress which has won by default will utilize the opportunity to provide good governance by choosing a person of integrity and competence as Chief Minister.

Dr. JP said it is a matter of concern that both the Congress and the BJP at the national level are mired in a crisis. The exit of a strong leader from the BJP in Karnataka and the death of a strong leader and the rise of the Telangana demand in Andhra Pradesh have plunged the two parties into a crisis.

Dr.JP pointed out that in a large number of constituencies candidates spent Rs.15-20 crore each, reflecting the sad state of electoral politics.

Dr. JP appealed to the Congress and the BJP to put an end to their bankrupt vote bank politics and undemocratic tendencies and focus on constructive measures to bale the country out of the economic, political and administrative quagmire.

Andhra Pradesh Lok Satta Party President Katari Srinivasa Rao said that the Lok Satta which contested in 24 seats in Karnataka has registered encouraging results. It has polled about 10,000 votes in a couple of constituencies and fared better than the JD (S) in some Bengaluru constituencies.

Mr. Srinivasa Rao said that voters in urban conglomerations in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are looking for an alternative to the traditional parties. Karnataka results underline that the Lok Satta has the potential to emerge as the alternative if it strengthens itself in tune with people's aspirations.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013 - 18:25